Penn State game...


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2007
Predictions guys? No idea what to think of them. They lost to a very good Temple team earlier in the year but they have been improving and are 6-0 at home this season. They held Indiana to 7 points, Illinois to 0 so their defense might be the best one we have faced so far this year IMHO. Their offense seems to be coming around as well it seems.

We have been gashed by the running play this year which is really starting to concern me. Also our Special Teams have been anything but special the past 5 weeks. I think we will need to shore up both of those areas. Still a hostile environment for a white out game will be a tall task.

I think we will have to be firing on all cylinders to pull this out off in Happy Valley. Glasgow's loss will be huge unfortunately but team has to step up after being embarrassed this past weekend.
Hackenberg has a big arm, sees the field OK and is more mobile than Stephen Hawking. I expect Michigan will run blitz to contain #26 and dare Hack to pass. Michigan won't be able to run, either.
PSU fan here - I do think this game is a toss up. If it was at night, I would feel more confident in the crowd being a factor. I think you have a major coaching edge, and we aren't consistent enough and our special teams stink. Our offensive line doesn't allow us to be consistent with either running or passing the ball. Our D is very good - but not great.
PSU fan here - I do think this game is a toss up. If it was at night, I would feel more confident in the crowd being a factor. I think you have a major coaching edge, and we aren't consistent enough and our special teams stink. Our offensive line doesn't allow us to be consistent with either running or passing the ball. Our D is very good - but not great.
Last week our D was gashes for the first time this year, but on reflection that probably is largely attributable to IU's unique offense that ended up running 100 plays, exhausting UM. That's not going to be the case this week and I'd expect UM to have a lot more success at stopping PSU especially if their line is as porous as we've heard. If UM's offense has improved, this may come down to PSU's DBs stopping a passing game that is hitting stride. I like UM's chances
Last week our D was gashes for the first time this year, but on reflection that probably is largely attributable to IU's unique offense that ended up running 100 plays, exhausting UM. That's not going to be the case this week and I'd expect UM to have a lot more success at stopping PSU especially if their line is as porous as we've heard. If UM's offense has improved, this may come down to PSU's DBs stopping a passing game that is hitting stride. I like UM's chances

Penn State's offensive line is the biggest weakness from sanctions where recruiting was thin at this position. However, the inexperienced guys have now played 10 games this season. The line is no where near as bad as first game of the year against Temple. Barkley did not play much early in the season. Having a talented running back is helping the line look much better. Receivers have dropped a lot of balls for Hack, and Hack has missed a lot of open receivers, but the talent level is there. Just depends who shows up. The strength of Penn State is without question the defensive line, which has played the 2nd string all season just as much as the first string. The defensive line is fresh and healthy, and tends to get stronger during the game as the offensive line is getting worn down from the constant fresh defensive linemen. Michigan should have special team advantage, kickoff returns etc. Special teams all around are a weakness of Penn State. Penn State only gets burned by the passing game if there is a strong running game to go with it. Penn State had an advantage on turnovers, penalty yards, and sacks. 3rd down efficiency on offense kills Penn State. If Barkley picks up yards on first down, offense clicks. If 3rd and long consistently, Penn State offense has no chance. You seriously have no idea which Penn State team will show up. So many variables.
Since PSU played IU without Howard ... that isn't anywhere near the challenge we had with the Hoosiers. I feel pretty confident we'll win, but I'm not expecting an easy game.

Penn State played the Indiana game without starting running back Barkley or 2nd string running back Lynch.
Haven't heard anything about either of those PSU running backs, are they anywhere near the load Howard is? Given that I haven't heard a thing about them, I'm doubting they'd be near as good as Howard ... but I just don't know.

Barkley (PSU) is more of your "dangerous in that he can break ANY play, even a broken play where there doesn't seem to be much there, into a BIG-play" type RB.

Whereas Howard (Indiana) is more of your "he probably won't break a 60-yard TD, but he's extremely unlikely to lose yards even in the worst of situations, good for gaining steady positive yards" type RB.

Barkley looked pretty darn good, I thought, against the tough Buckeyes defense. Based on that, I do think it's fair to have both Barkley & Howard among the top 5 B1G RBs. Elliott (of course), Barkley, Howard, Justin Jackson (NW) are all in that top 5. Outside of Elliott I wouldn't necessarily rate one individual higher than another.
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Barkley (PSU) is more of your "dangerous in that he can break ANY play, even a broken play where there doesn't seem to be much there, into a BIG-play" type RB.

Whereas Howard (Indiana) is more of your "he probably won't break a 60-yard TD, but he's extremely unlikely to lose yards even in the worst of situations, good for gaining steady positive yards" type RB.

Barkley looked pretty darn good, I thought, against the tough Buckeyes defense. Based on that, I do think it's fair to have both Barkley & Howard among the top 5 B1G RBs. Elliott (of course), Barkley, Howard, Justin Jackson (NW) are all in that top 5. Outside of Elliott I wouldn't necessarily rate one individual higher than another.
Oh boy....
Yeah, Barkley can be bottled up for 12 straight runs, then bust a 60 yarder. Or he can be completely contained (so it seems) in the backfield, only to make some guys look silly and make it 8 yards downfield.

He's not the most consistent, but he's a sure bet for one or two highlight reel runs throughout the game.

On the PSU board, I picked UM 23, PSU 20. PSU special teams is really bad, and I think field position will really favor UM, making it tough to beat the Wolverines. But, turnovers are the ultimate x-factor, and PSU's DL can force one at any time.
Should be a close game, but the coaching favors Michigan. They have a much better staff. Look for Franklin to pull some stupid clock management that costs PSU some points. That's practically a given.
Should be a close game, but the coaching favors Michigan. They have a much better staff. Look for Franklin to pull some stupid clock management that costs PSU some points. That's practically a given.
So true.
It will be close. Can Michigan shut down Barkley. Can PSU defense disrupt and cost Michigan turnovers. Can hack keep it away from peppers and that number 34, he rocks. TE for you rocks and that received 82 or 86 should do well with Jordan Lucas now out foR rest of year. It will be close. Crowd will disrupt your offense! Loudest crowd they will face.

By the way Sandusky is guilty as hell and will burn.

All hail Joepa!
If Michigan goes up like 14-0 the crowd will be dead...after playing in Utah I seriously doubt a "white out " at high noon is going to scare anyone..if the wolverines continue this trend watch em start leaving by the isn't even sold out...
If Michigan goes up like 14-0 the crowd will be dead...after playing in Utah I seriously doubt a "white out " at high noon is going to scare anyone..if the wolverines continue this trend watch em start leaving by the isn't even sold out...
As of a few days ago, only 3,000 tickets remained. That puts crowd maybe 109,000. Remaining tickets are now being sold with 50% of money being donated to Thon charity. Game is essentially a sell out. With stricter security may take a while for crowd to fill in. But since senior day, crowd usually goes in early anyway. It will be a loud crowd. Not a cold day to quiet it down. Michigan goes up 21-0 or something , sure, crowd will quiet down. Kinda doubtful that happens though. Crowd will be less rowdy for a Noon game naturally. But, Beaver Stadium will be packed, and will be loud. Last home game with pretty good weather. Michigan hasn't won at Beaver Stadium since 2006, so this is not going to be a cake walk.
Michigan is not a good road team at all. They are 3-1 on the road but really could have easily been 1-3. We were extremely lucky to beat Minn (screw up by their coach) and Indiana (underthrown balls by Rudock with great effort from Chesson). Our 1 comfortable win was not that great either - we only led 6-0 against Maryland at half time. I think this team over the past 4 years has just struggled to get over the emotional hurdle of opposing fans and that continues to be the case. The intensity, the execution, the attention to detail all go straight south for Michigan on the road. The last 2 road games we have had tons of penalties, missed tackles, blown assignments, you name it and we have completely regressed in every area except for our QB/WR combo. Ironically it seem Rudock is at his best on the road (except Utah). I think at this point in the season, PSU is pretty much at par with Utah. I think Michigan is a better team then both and on a neutral field we would beat both those teams by at least a TD. However, the PSU home-field advantage is huge and I think this game is a toss up for me:
  • PSU can pressure the QB better then anyone and our O-line has not gotten a push consistently.
  • Hack is a good QB that can pinpoint passes if we load up the box.
  • Our rushing defense is terrible - we have been making every RB look like a Heisman candidate.
  • Our ST has been terrible, though PSU has a pretty terrible ST as well - so that evens out.
I have no idea what the outcome of this game will be - I am hoping Michigan wins. I would be bummed if we lose but not shocked. I was utterly shocked last week when we almost lost to Indiana.
Game should be a "grind it out" affair. Big play on "O" or "D" or Big error on either side of the ball could spell the difference. Michigan lack of generating turnovers this year bothers me greatly. I'd like 2 turnovers to guarantee victory, 1 makes it tight, 0 and....................ugh!
If Michigan goes up like 14 to the crowd will be dead...after playing in Utah I seriously doubt a "white out " at high noon is going to scare anyone..if the wolverines continue this trend watch em start leaving by the isn't even sold out...
I just checked. As of yesterday there were less than 1,000 tickets available at Beaver Stadium. Many of those were in the Michigan section. There were also some singles scattered around the stadium.
I just checked. As of yesterday there were less than 1,000 tickets available at Beaver Stadium. Many of those were in the Michigan section. There were also some singles scattered around the stadium.

Wish this one fit my travel schedule. Have never been to Happy Valley & would have liked to have made this roadie!
Butt, Chesson, and Darbough should be a big concern for our DB's! It seems I'm the only one mentioning this on either board.
If both teams can bring their best possible performances, this should be one helluva game. PSU's offense has been sketchy at a slipping transmission. The front line ( aka "The Matadores") have been sometimes observed as a sieve for all the Ole'ing they have done against quality defensive lines. Here's to a solid, well fought, and injury free game. good luck. On a side note....truly wish we had a Keith Jackson to announce this one.
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I can't tell you who will win. The only thing I can tell you is that UM will have trouble running the ball (surprise) and it's going to come down to whether UM can keep PSU in check on offense and not give up big ST plays.

I think UM can win it but it's not going to be UM scoring 35 pts or more like playing against IU. I see more of a 17-14 game.

Why would you have been shocked losing to IU? Every game is going to be a battle with a UM team that has NO running game and now with some injuries on defense plus what I would call mediocre linebackers.

I think your opinion is more than reasonable. I agree with you that I have no idea who will win but UM is living dangerously and a tough defense can shut this wolverine offense down. This is a game where you need something from the running game and UM is going to have to use Peppers and some 'tricks' to get some yards in the running game... least a couple of trick plays.

Michigan is not a good road team at all. They are 3-1 on the road but really could have easily been 1-3. We were extremely lucky to beat Minn (screw up by their coach) and Indiana (underthrown balls by Rudock with great effort from Chesson). Our 1 comfortable win was not that great either - we only led 6-0 against Maryland at half time. I think this team over the past 4 years has just struggled to get over the emotional hurdle of opposing fans and that continues to be the case. The intensity, the execution, the attention to detail all go straight south for Michigan on the road. The last 2 road games we have had tons of penalties, missed tackles, blown assignments, you name it and we have completely regressed in every area except for our QB/WR combo. Ironically it seem Rudock is at his best on the road (except Utah). I think at this point in the season, PSU is pretty much at par with Utah. I think Michigan is a better team then both and on a neutral field we would beat both those teams by at least a TD. However, the PSU home-field advantage is huge and I think this game is a toss up for me:
  • PSU can pressure the QB better then anyone and our O-line has not gotten a push consistently.
  • Hack is a good QB that can pinpoint passes if we load up the box.
  • Our rushing defense is terrible - we have been making every RB look like a Heisman candidate.
  • Our ST has been terrible, though PSU has a pretty terrible ST as well - so that evens out.
I have no idea what the outcome of this game will be - I am hoping Michigan wins. I would be bummed if we lose but not shocked. I was utterly shocked last week when we almost lost to Indiana.

Hack won't matter if you get a pass rush...he's a statue...
Hack won't matter if you get a pass rush...he's a statue...
It all depends if Barkley can run the ball. Hack has seen a pass rush the entire season. When Barkley runs, it tends to open up the passing for Hack even with a pass rush. If Penn State can't run the ball, Hack will not throw well. They go hand in hand together.

The teams who have done well against Penn State during the season had a running game, including a running mobile quarterback. The key for both teams is being able to run the ball. Penn State only gets beat by the pass when the offense has a running threat to go with it.

Whichever team is able to run the ball better will win the game.
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Does not matter if the team plays to a battle...we have far more talent then IU across the board at every level on paper. The game should not have been close - we literally fell to shambles in every aspect of our defense and ST and that was a shock. I did not see that happening.

Why would you have been shocked losing to IU? Every game is going to be a battle with a UM team that has NO running game and now with some injuries on defense plus what I would call mediocre linebackers.

I think your opinion is more than reasonable. I agree with you that I have no idea who will win but UM is living dangerously and a tough defense can shut this wolverine offense down. This is a game where you need something from the running game and UM is going to have to use Peppers and some 'tricks' to get some yards in the running game... least a couple of trick plays.