OSU fans attempting to take the moral high ground is hilarious....

Keep in mind you are talking about the same fanbase and school that just a couple years ago honored one of the most corrupt coaches in college football history.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

are being generous. Find me a coach in a ten year span of a major college program that was more corrupt? Both with what we know as fact and even what can be presumed true, there isn't one.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

Originally posted by maelfan:
are being generous. Find me a coach in a ten year span of a major college program that was more corrupt? Both with what we know as fact and even what can be presumed true, there isn't one.
You are right, i can't.

I tried to find someone worse and the only coach i could even think of is Jerry Sandusky. Urban has him beat by a long shot.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

Urban Meyer sleeps with college coeds, teaches players,to commit murder, lies about his health because he is afraid of other top coaches, encourages drug use by his players, lied about caring for his family, left the Florida program in shambles, only wins because of his assistant coaches, only wins with other coaches players, forces his assistants to lie to prospects, likes to kick players off the team, and is a high ranking official within Al Qaeda.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

Originally posted by klemman:
Urban Meyer sleeps with college coeds, teaches players,to commit murder, lies about his health because he is afraid of other top coaches, encourages drug use by his players, lied about caring for his family, left the Florida program in shambles, only wins because of his assistant coaches, only wins with other coaches players, forces his assistants to lie to prospects, likes to kick players off the team, and is a high ranking official within Al Qaeda.
Just about sums it up.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

The point being all the crap you guys post, means nothing. As an Ohio State fan I can post the biased twisted accounts of each situation and you do, and doesn't mean anything more or less than what you post. Then again, what does it matter if you guys like pissing in the wind.

Oh yeah, the Little League deal in Chicago.. Urban Meyer.
The hilarious thing about this sub-portion of this thread

Blue_J was referring to Jim Tressel as the corrupt coach. JT!!!

But all you Bucknuts, you got all lathered up and furious because you thought he was talking about Urban! You Bucknuts really are rather defensive about Meyer. Hmmmm .......
Re: The hilarious thing about this sub-portion of this thread

Definatelty include Tressel. Afterall, he used tattoos to win multiple conference championships and a national championship.The power of the tattoo is pretty incredible.
Um, yeah --- nice Revisionist Bucknut History

It's wasn't the tattoos that was corrupt. It was Tressel KNOWING about the tattoos yet still COVERING IT UP. THAT was the corrupt part.
Re: Um, yeah --- nice Revisionist Bucknut History

Originally posted by michnittlion:
It's wasn't the tattoos that was corrupt. It was Tressel KNOWING about the tattoos yet still COVERING IT UP. THAT was the corrupt part.
So Knowing about tatoos is how Tressle won so many championships...

Knowing about rape must not be as productive.
I have one "yes or no" question for you.

Jim Tressel broke NCAA rules by covering up the memorabilia-for-tattoos trade, and deserved to be punished by the NCAA for his actions. Yes or no?

Fair enough, you want to bring up certain coaches who "knew about rape." Absolutely, there are certain PSU fans who simply cannot accept reality as regards that situation.

LIKEWISE, there are many Buckeyes who simply CANNOT accept that Jim Tressel was a corrupt guy who deserved his punishment by the NCAA.

Anyway, as to you --- "yes or no"?
Re: I have one "yes or no" question for you.

Originally posted by michnittlion:
Jim Tressel broke NCAA rules by covering up the memorabilia-for-tattoos trade, and deserved to be punished by the NCAA for his actions. Yes or no?

Fair enough, you want to bring up certain coaches who "knew about rape." Absolutely, there are certain PSU fans who simply cannot accept reality as regards that situation.

LIKEWISE, there are many Buckeyes who simply CANNOT accept that Jim Tressel was a corrupt guy who deserved his punishment by the NCAA.

Anyway, as to you --- "yes or no"?
Tress got a fair punishment, Ohio State was punished fairly.

I wasn't talking about Penn State.
Originally posted by Heisenburg:
Originally posted by michnittlion:
Jim Tressel broke NCAA rules by covering up the memorabilia-for-tattoos trade, and deserved to be punished by the NCAA for his actions. Yes or no?

Fair enough, you want to bring up certain coaches who "knew about rape." Absolutely, there are certain PSU fans who simply cannot accept reality as regards that situation.

LIKEWISE, there are many Buckeyes who simply CANNOT accept that Jim Tressel was a corrupt guy who deserved his punishment by the NCAA.

Anyway, as to you --- "yes or no"?
Tress got a fair punishment, Ohio State was punished fairly.

I wasn't talking about Penn State.
Are you talking about Gibbons? If so you need to do homework. Also if so then I take back my saying you are one of the good OSU non trolling type posters here. Not that you care what I think I'm just saying.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: I have one "yes or no" question for you.

Originally posted by Heisenburg:
Tress got a fair punishment, Ohio State was punished fairly.

I wasn't talking about Penn State.
If you "weren't talking about Penn State", I guess you're talking about Michigan (Gibbons) --- and frankly THAT argument is DUMB as well.
They could have a pep rally w Tressell, Schlessinger, Clarett, etc as their guest and honored speakers.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

Finally, a OldShitU fan that knows UM.
Re: The hilarious thing about this sub-portion of this thread

Originally posted by klemman:
Definatelty include Tressel. Afterall, he used tattoos to win multiple conference championships and a national championship.The power of the tattoo is pretty incredible.
...and covered up e-mails, but let's pretend it was only about tattoos and that other areas of smoke were overblown as well - if that makes you feel better.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

As an Ohio State fan, do you really care how corrupt your coaches are? It's win, baby, win. Don't care how, just win!
We'll look the other way.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

Basically, all we do is beat Michigan in Football. We kinda do it every year. And don't come back with crap that Michigan's overall record is better than Ohio State, just start counting after players wore helmets.
Re: The bigger the lie the more it is believed. One of the most corrupt? You..

Originally posted by DetroitRockCity:
As an Ohio State fan, do you really care how corrupt your coaches are? It's win, baby, win. Don't care how, just win!
We'll look the other way.
Still hurting from when those bullies used to steal your lunch money?
The old "pick a time frame that most favors TUOS" gag.

We've heard it before, doesn't make it less stupid. Since we lead the series, basically what UM does is beat TUOS. Sucks for you.
Re: The old "pick a time frame that most favors TUOS" gag.

Is that any different in Michigan's claim of dominance based on the leather helmet era? In today's world all that really matters is what has happened the past 5 years and what will happen the next four. We are happy with the last 5, and the next four are to be determined.
Originally posted by tkirschner:
Originally posted by klemman:

Originally posted by DetroitRockCity:
As an Ohio State fan, do you really care how corrupt your coaches are? It's win, baby, win. Don't care how, just win!
We'll look the other way.
Still hurting from when those bullies used to steal your lunch money?
Ur better than this no?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
As I often state. If you want to have a serious objective discussion I'm all in. If you want to play the name calling and I'm better than you game, then don't be surprised if you get it back.
All the games count.

What I like to do is throw out the RR/Hoke years because those 2 were awful coaches. Then I throw out all the Tressel wins because he's a known cheater and POS. UM's series lead really looks good. It's fun to only count the games you want to.
Re: All the games count.

Whether Tressel,was a POSor not is irrelevant. Tressel's players broke a rule by trading tattoos for autographs,and selling personal property. But that doesn't constitute cheating. Tressel saying he wasn't aware of the the tattoo for autographs and selling personal items, but that doesn't constitute cheating.

In addition to your "oh you only win because you are a cheater." argument, you should try something equally mature like "Liar liar pants on fire." At least that would more accurately cover Tressel's actions.

And when OSU fans talk about the most recent results on the football field, you should try the equally mature "I'm rubber and you're glue..." Comeback.
Can you try to me a little more immature? Tressel being a POS

didn't affect wins or losses, but him being a known cheater did. So that's why I throw out the wins by the vest. He knowingly played players he knew were ineligible, which IS cheating, at least in the eyes of people that don't suck (that would be non-TUOS fans).
If TUOS fans can stupidly pick and choose which games count, not sure why you'd have a problem with someone else arbitrarily deciding some games count and some don't.
Okay, now come back with something stupid that doesn't really make any point.
Thanks for playing.
After reading ChicagoBlue's self righteous pearls of wisdom, it reminds me of the conversation that Dorothy Parker had with a drunk man...... Drunk man: "I can't bear fools." Dorothy Parker: " Apparently your mother could."
Blue, I know you are asking yourself this question so I will answer it before you ask it, "No, Dorothy Parker is not related to Peter Parker." So you can quit fumbling thru your comic books to check on it.
A little tip-stupid people (you, in this example) should never try

to criticize other people. It just turns out badly. Seriously-Dorothy Parker and Peter Parker? Possibly the most idiotic post in the history of stupid posts on this board.
Thanks for playing.
Back to macaroni art for you, little fella.

This post was edited on 3/1 5:46 PM by ChicagoBlueFan
Re: A little tip-stupid people (you, in this example) should never try

The tattoos provided no competitive advantage, unless you believe that they were magical tattoos.Tressel should have reported it and certainly shouldn't have denied knowledge because that would be breaking a rule. He was punished for that and the wins that were relevant were vacated. End of story.
But you insist at there were more. There isn't.
You're still not getting it (shockingly enough). We know Tressel was a

cheater. Everyone knows that.
My point is that I get to decide which games count and which don't, even if it's for no apparent reason. TUOS fans have no problem doing that, so I'm doing it as well. So I decided the games won by Tressel don't count. End of story.
Thanks again. I know it's frustrating not being able to keep up, but keep trying.

This post was edited on 3/1 7:12 PM by ChicagoBlueFan
Re: You're still not getting it (shockingly enough). We know Tressel was a

My apology Chicago. I understand now. So reality doesn't matter, only what you want to think and believe. So you are now BWI, Michigan edition.

My question then is why don't you only include the 2011 season in your evaluation so you can relish in the "fact" that Michigan hasn't lost to OSU this century.

By the way, I've never made a single comment about who has dominated whom over whatever period. The most I've said is that in today's world all that really matters is what has happened the last 5 years and what will happen the next 4. As an OSU fan I'm happy with the last 5, and the next four are to be determined. Meaning that you guys will,get your chance to make your mark.

Maybe if you weren't so paranoid you could keep up with me as well.
Apology accepted-it's clear from your posts that this whole logic/

comprehension thing is way over your head. I am sorry that you are so limited, but you can still have a good life. Don't get down on yourself-everyone can't be smart.
This post was edited on 3/2 7:07 PM by ChicagoBlueFan
Re: Apology accepted-it's clear from your posts that this whole logic/

It's all good. I've learned from message boards that just as in real life, the level of an individual's intelligence and ability to have a reasonable debate is inversely proportionate to the amount of insults they use.
AGP-startling admission coming from the reasonable poster

who employed both "I'm rubber you're glue" and "liar liar pants on fire" in a previous post. It's funny when stupid people (you in this instance, since you're slow) don't realize they're stupid. Keep the laughs coming.

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