Notre Dumb accused of crime coverups


May 29, 2001
ESPN has filed a lawsuit against the University of Notre Dame alleging that the school is violating Indiana's public record laws by withholding police incident reports of possible campus crimes involving certain student-athletes, the Associated Press reports.
The lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of ESPN and its reporter Paula Lavigne on Jan. 15, says that advisory opinions stating the university is subject to the state's public record laws have been issued on two separate occasions, once in October and a second time earlier this month.
In the October opinion, state Public Access Counselor Luke Britt stated that while the university itself is private, the Notre Dame Security Police Department is a public law enforcement agency subject to the pertinent laws. In January, Britt wrote that private universities in Indiana with professional police forces should follow Indiana's public record laws, adding that his October opinion "is not compulsory."
Notre Dame cited three previous advisory opinions agreeing with the idea that a university's police department is not a public agency in its argument stating that the university is obeying state law. University spokesman Dennis Brown said Wednesday that Notre Dame believes its practices are in "full accord with the Access to Public Records Act and consistent with multiple advisory opinions that have addressed this matter over the past 12 years," adding, "We are confident that our position will be affirmed in court."
I would be wary about sending my kid to a school that won't dislose crime..

stats and information. It certainly makes it look like Notre Dame is protecting football players. With Brian Kelly's track record, you can't help but wonder.

This post was edited on 1/22 9:07 AM by michigangoblue999
Re: I would be wary about sending my kid to a school that won't dislose crime..

While I truly despise ND, you have to wonder about ESPN's lack of voracity concerning the nearly DECADES long athletic/academic fraud at UNCCH. But, since the CEO at ESPN is a UNC grad, maybe the mystery is solved.
It's in their genetic code

Watch the Frontline documentary to see stories of drug use, money laundering, gay orgies, pedophilia, and mafia ties to the Cathlics church.

It's what they do -- and they are experts at sweeping it under the rug.

The irony here.

They are suing to get a hold of records about an incident that happened during the Sept. 6 ND / Michigan game. Where a person fell and critically hurt themselves in the main building on campus, shortly before kickoff.

ND is arguing there was nothing public to share in this. Which is true. The guy fell Hurt himself, all on private property, all matters in it were private. However many believe ESPIN is using this as a wedge to get player records and other information. While I am all for transparency. What ESPIN is doing here is anything but that. So what you have to ask, would you as a private institution, make a habit of disclosing private information that legally you don't have to surrender?

More of the story
Aoichi you are a Douchebag. You are not a Michigan man but a pimple faced little boy typing on a computer that your mom got you for Christmas. If you want to hate UND I understand but why bring religion into the mix. Why do you hate catholics that much? Have you been molested by a priest? Does your butt still hurt from the butt pounding he gave you or did you like it too much and he never called you back?
Originally posted by DefianceND:
Aoichi you are a Douchebag. You are not a Michigan man but a pimple faced little boy typing on a computer that your mom got you for Christmas. If you want to hate UND I understand but why bring religion into the mix. Why do you hate catholics that much? Have you been molested by a priest? Does your butt still hurt from the butt pounding he gave you or did you like it too much and he never called you back?
Don't call someone out for being a child or a douchbag then act that way in your own post. Makes you look like an idiot. Just sayin.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You are right and I apologize to the other posters. It just bugs me that people bring up religion when they don't need to.
Re: It's in their genetic code

Originally posted by Aoichi:
Watch the Frontline documentary to see stories of drug use, money laundering, gay orgies, pedophilia, and mafia ties to the Cathlics church.

It's what they do -- and they are experts at sweeping it under the rug.
Just wondering is this the latest installment of bluekhaki?

Just for the conspiracy registry.
Re: It's in their genetic code

We all know the Domers and Catholic leadership don't want light shined on the truth -- that's the way they roll.

Thanks to VaticanLeaks and PBS for putting a spotlight on it -- rotten to the core.
I just mentioned that PBS had uncovered the exact same behavior ND is displaying in its documentary. The fact you want to ignore the obvious philosophical connection is your problem, not mine.

Feel free to watch the Frontline episode and continue feeding the collection plate on Sunday. That's your prerogative.

I stay as far away from Catholic churches as possible and have never been raped by a priest -- how about you?
I stopped reading the comments after this one:

'One sided? You mean the protestant Jewish cabal that's invented all the false claims?'.

Since when have the Jews and Protestants ever teamed up on anything. That's pretty ludicrous.

The website is funny in a sick sort of way as it was set up for the sole purpose of sweeping Catholic crimes under the rug. I am sure you'd find articles absolving JoPa and Jerry Sandusky there is you dug around a bit, huh?

You ought to watch the Frontline episode.

I cut and pasted that quote from YOUR website, douche bag.

PBS produced the Frontline spot.

And I certainly didn't cook up Vatican Leaks, either.

To quote Sid Vicious, there is no future in your dreaming.

Domer Eyes Fixed and Dialated
And, it you actually watched the Frontline documentary you were so quick to dismiss, you'd see the same thing. But that does not immunize the other 99.999999% of the church. Nor does it mean Francis is perfect and willing to air it all out -- it just means he is better than the previous schmuck popes.

If you watched it, you might like the hidden video of the gay orgie in Rome full of Vatican priests.

And you'd see an interview with the SON of the founder of the Legion of Christ who was raped repeatedly by his father the PRIEST who funneled millions of dollars to the Vatican while JPII was pope as he shed a blind eye to his many crimes.

And you'd hear a story about the archdiocese of Milwaukee which filed for bankruptcy (on the Vatican's advice) to protect their money from legal judgments made in favor of the many boys that were raped there.

But, clearly, you don't want to know the truth and would rather blame the "Protestant-Jewish Axis of Evil" for lifting the hood and shedding light on the immorality of the church.

The point here is ND has learned its lessons well from its (cough, gasp) moral authority.
This post was edited on 1/25 8:28 PM by Aoichi
Is the catholic church perfect, no. Neither is Michigan or UND. Your deluional to think 99.9% of the church is bad. The catholic diocese does a lot of good in this world. Like all business or religions they have problems. You come off as a bigget. Your hatred runs deep. I'm sure you can get help if you ask for it. I'm sure get a perception for weed to take some of that aggression. If you don't please stop saying your a Michigan fan because you make people like me look bad.
Originally posted by DefianceND:

The catholic diocese does a lot of good in this world. Like all business or religions they have problems. You come off as a bigget.
If you're going to name call people you disagree with, at least spell the word right. It's bigot, not bigget. In addition I would remind you that going all personal with someone you don't agree with is often the tactic used by those not having the facts on their side.

The facts here are the Catholic Church for many decades (and more likely centuries) turned a blind eye to child rape. In many cases they even aided and abetted these criminals by playing a shell game with authorities, while hiding perpetrators away in other countries away from questioning.

Making straw man arguments and personal attacks claiming someone needs help for their "hatred," only serves to make you look exactly like past apologists, who attacked those who said they'd been abused. As in insisting people who dared make those charges "hated the church" and were sick people "attacking priests."

Notre Dame cannot have it both ways, although they'll certainly try. Either their police force is private, and therefore cannot investigate crimes on campus in place of the regular police force. Or they are public and do not have to call the South Bend police or St. Joe Sheriff's Department in.

As it currently stands they DO take jurisdiction for crime reported on campus. Remember they and they alone investigated the case where the young lady who committed suicide, first reported she had been sexually assaulted by a football player. In fact when the Sheriff's sex crimes unit offered to help, they even turned that down.

So you can probably count on a judge ruling they cannot be duplicitous and claim to be exempt from state law, by saying they are a public force and have the right to private records at the same time.

This post was edited on 1/26 3:06 AM by Mazatlan
Read VatiLeaks -- the Church has been covering up pedophilia since the MIDDLE AGES!!

And you, Domer, are an ostrich.
So us domers are a long legged bird? Alicha, just to let you know I root for UM and UND have dad graduate from UND and mom from UM. If you look at history, some of the most evil people ever were popes. That was a long time ago. Everyone was evil back in the day. Mass killings was the norm. So what is your point of talking about so long ago. Stop with this religious assault of Catholics. That's all I'm saying. No reason to even bring up any religion on a football board. Unless it has to do with the school.
It wasn't that long ago. JPII covered up Marciel Maciel's crimes because he was raking in so much dough from him. Benedict knew all about it but shed a blind eye to it.

Simply criminal and illustrative of the repugnancy of the religion from top to bottom for many centuries.

I wouldn't bring it up but you and your turd ND pals always show up here claiming moral superiority when exactly the opposite is true.

This post was edited on 1/26 6:24 PM by Aoichi
Please explain again why you bring up religion on a football board. You say ND people have moral superiority complex. I think that UND holds there kids to higher standards than other schools.
Poppeycock -- they just sweep everything under the rug in the great Catholic tradition.

I do love how you defaulted to the "moral superiority" ridiculousness, though.

And that is why I am forced to remind you that you and yours are rotten to your core.

I bet you don't have the guts to watch the Frontline documentary, do you?
Sounds like your favorite college is trying too hard w the private vs public bs.
Ah yes, the loser anti-Catholic bigot Aoichi rears her ugly head once more.

If you want a cover-up of sexual abuse, hatemonger, look to what your kickers did to the women of Ann Arbor over the past few years. Or, maybe the former UM DL who used to flash people.

All I have to say is 31--0 Klanswoman. The good guys won, pointy head. I'm sure you **** all over that sheet you wore during the game.
This post was edited on 1/27 2:16 PM by gregbell28
Defiance acted just fine. Aoichi makes me wish her ancestors had been in Spain during the Inquisition.
So you're saying that we catholics and UND nation have morality complex? Every religion has a my religion is better than your religion complex. If that's your reason for bringing it up every time you mention Notre Dame you need help brother. If your talking about the a-holes that went to and graduated from UND. Let me tell you from experience that there are just as many jackasses that graduated from UM. Still a lot of good people that graduated from both schools. Just makes Michigan look bad when you go off on religious rants for no reason
Originally posted by Aoichi:
Poppeycock -- they just sweep everything under the rug in the great Catholic tradition.

I do love how you defaulted to the "moral superiority" ridiculousness, though.

And that is why I am forced to remind you that you and yours are rotten to your core.

I bet you don't have the guts to watch the Frontline documentary, do you?

"you and yours are rotten to the core"?

Sorry, had to smirk at the sheer hyperbole and obvious ignorance of that one.

I spent my entire formative years, up to and including my time at ND, in the company of priests. They were occasional teachers in my elementary school, the coaches of my middle school basketball and track teams, and the celebrants of the masses where I served as altar boy. They were the Rector of the dorm, where I lived along side them for four years.

I never - not once - in all the time I spent among them as an innocent, saw any priest do one inappropriate thing with a child. They certainly never did anything inappropriate with me. I never met a friend or classmate who claimed one did, either.

Does that mean there are no pedophile priests who defile their holy station and bring shame to their religion? Of course not: there is too much evidence to the contrary to make that claim. But it is ludicrous to paint Catholics and priests with such a broad brush, and to make such over-reaching claims that they would have to apply to over a billion people on the planet to be valid.
Aoichi I will watch it when I get time. It's hard to get free time in the fall and winter because I work so much and my wife nagging me all the time to spend the rest of my time with her even tho she doesn't work and I take the summers off.
I don't claim my religion is better than yours as I don't have one.

I am not talking about jackholes that graduated from ND but instead the leadership of a criminal religion and a university that loves to hide and ignore. Watch the Frontilne show. Read up on John Paul II, Benedict, Marciel Maciel and VatiLeaks.

I bring it up only because of the numerous holier than tho Domer trolls that frequent this board spewing moral superiority when nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing that has occurred has been random and isolated -- the criminality has been church sponsored and abetted..

Why are you here, anyway?
Originally posted by Aoichi:
A sample size of "1".

Watch the Frontline episode and stop on back.
Glad you broached the issue of sample size. Actually, for your "sample size" to be valid, thereby allowing you to prove we're all "corrupt to the core", it would be drawn from a population of over one billion human beings. Over 1.2 billion, to be more accurate.

And even if you wished to restrict your indictment to Catholic priests only - which you clearly don't - you would be talking about over 406,000 priests worldwide. So if I did watch the Frontline episode of which you're so enamored, how many pedophile priests would it have disclosed? 10%? That would mean there are over 40,000 priest offenders. 1%? That would mean there are over 4,000, which still would be terrible.

However,it is estimated that "under 5%" of the adult male population are pedophiles. I read another estimate of around 3%. Assuming it's the latter, it would take around 12,000 pedophile priests world-wide to exceed the rate of pedophilia in the general population of adult males. Do you suppose your Frontline report will come close to implicating that number?

Somewhat coincidentally, there are about the same number of living University of Michigan alumni (500K) as there are Roman Catholic priests worldwide. If half of them are male, that would imply there are 7,500 University of Michigan pedophile alumni out there walking around. Maybe you should stop the Catholic-baiting, and concern yourself with them, as well.
Obviously, you don't know what "rotten to the core" means.

I'll educate you: in this case it means the very top LEADERSHIP of the church has been involved and sanctioning the criminality.

Y'all are ostriches. Watch the Frontline documentary and c'mon back. This chit has been going on since the middle ages -- f'n reprobates.
Originally posted by Aoichi:
Obviously, you don't know what "rotten to the core" means.

I'll educate you: in this case it means the very top LEADERSHIP of the church has been involved and sanctioning the criminality.

Y'all are ostriches. Watch the Frontline documentary and c'mon back. This chit has been going on since the middle ages -- f'n reprobates.
Lots of things happened in the middle ages that evoke horror today. "Witches" were burned and tortured; slavery was systemic and morally justifiable, genocide was common. Even in the 18th and 19th centuries children worked as chattel in factories and mines under inhumane conditions. Pedophilia wasn't even identified as a clinical disorder until the late 19th century, which tells you something about where it ranked in terms of the issues of the day.

What concerns me is the state of our society and the state of the Catholic Church now. Abuse of children is a blight on society that even Catholics abhor and rebuke. But if you believe this problem is limited to the Catholic clergy, I can honestly say I WISH that was true. Sadly, it is far, far more pervasive than that.
This post was edited on 1/27 6:46 PM by domer1976