
Sep 4, 2006
I'm a Harbaugh fan, but I'm not to sure this will pan out, He is not a college guy, He was not really interested in UM job till he was fired and needed something to do. Lame duck Brady Hoke was doing much better recruiting amid a horrible season than Jim is doing with all the good will his ballyhooed reputation as the next Jesus Christ ....I have to admit, I thought he would roll a lot of players from our commit list, but he really does not seem to have the cache that Urban or Dantonio or even Mike Riley ........I'm guessing that many Michigan fans are thinking the same. I do think he can coach, he will do much better next year recruiting but its like being put on probation if you miss 10 big time recruits in a year, I don't care how big nexts years class is, you just can't replace the depth

Michigan will finish 4th or 5th in the east, unless Jim pulls off some miracles before signing day the Wolverines are looking at three years before they can compete with Ohio State MSU or even Penn State .........There is talent on this team, but its not like you fired Tressle and can come in with Jim and turn it on...there is also some deep holes in his roster that he will need to fill and this class won't come close ....

Not a really good flame. All I will say is that I really like our chances moving forward against Nebraska. I hope to see you back to this board after we play you in the future. I have a feeling you know Harbaugh is going to be ultra successful and your just jealous because you got stuck with a coach nobody knows.
Originally posted by Armistead101:
I'm a Harbaugh fan, but I'm not to sure this will pan out, He is not a college guy, He was not really interested in UM job till he was fired and needed something to do. Lame duck Brady Hoke was doing much better recruiting amid a horrible season than Jim is doing with all the good will his ballyhooed reputation as the next Jesus Christ ....I have to admit, I thought he would roll a lot of players from our commit list, but he really does not seem to have the cache that Urban or Dantonio or even Mike Riley ........I'm guessing that many Michigan fans are thinking the same. I do think he can coach, he will do much better next year recruiting but its like being put on probation if you miss 10 big time recruits in a year, I don't care how big nexts years class is, you just can't replace the depth

Michigan will finish 4th or 5th in the east, unless Jim pulls off some miracles before signing day the Wolverines are looking at three years before they can compete with Ohio State MSU or even Penn State .........There is talent on this team, but its not like you fired Tressle and can come in with Jim and turn it on...there is also some deep holes in his roster that he will need to fill and this class won't come close ....

Come on- Did Michigan not BEAT Penn State this year? And OSU has struggled with them even throughout Urban's short tenure. Hell, Hoke even beat Dantonio once in four years. Michigan will be better because Harbaugh will DEVELOP the players that are there and the ones that will certainly come aboard. Your post is pointless. I would be much more concerned as a Nebraska fan. The AD at Nebraska is clueless and he hired Oregon States coach because he is a "great guy". Brady Hoke was also a great guy and see where that took him. I like our chances against the Huskers almost 100% of the time with Harbaugh in town.
according to this site Michigan has out recruited Nebraska the last 3 years. so why would UM have more holes in their roster than UN?
I love both hires, Mike and Jim are good coaches. I'm just mildly surprised that Harbuagh's rep has not garnered more recruiting success.

Riley will win more games that Pelini and we don't have to deal with his sideline antics, Riley already has out recruited Bo's in a much shorter time. Riley will sign the 2nd or 3rd best class in the league....I'm happy with that.

We don't have to worry about Michigan, we hardly play and we are in separate divisions, B1G has made Wisconsin and Ohio St our rivals
Wow you're way over here with this???

Go back to the Husker Nation and write that garbage.
Your going o sign ten or twelve kids????? You going to lose ten schollies with a short class and attrition....That's why , class over
Hoke proved to be a top notch recruiter. Look at the list of decommits early on. Hoke got them to originally commit, yet they saw fit to go elseware.

Why was that? Probably, the overall losing going on at UM. I just think there's still a carry over effect with the recruiting that will take awhile to right itself.

Doesn't matter if Harbaugh is comming in. This is not like OSU whith UM stepping into a winning program that just needed a great coach to get them to the top.
This was always going to be a small class, going into this year we only had 12 open scholarships for this class, now we're up to about 16 and I guarantee we land a few guys by signing day.
is this a joke? Weak flame? Or both?

I only ask because you seem to be so utterly clueless.

Brady Hoke recruited well, but he couldn't coach.

When he couldn't coach, the team lost games.

When the team lost games, they lost recruits.

When they lost games, including some they had no business losing, and lost more recruits, Brady Hoke lost his job.


Put your ear to the ground. Listen for the stampede to Hoke's door, now that he's available.

What's that? You can't hear anything?


Go Blue. Always.
Drives me nuts how people jump the gun. Give Harbaugh a couple of years and then criticize.
Way to early to make judgements.
another 15 year old expert weighs in. not worth the time to point out what stupid comments he made. but he got another respnse so im sure he is sitting in his room giggling his ass off.
Coaching is everything in college football. Obviously recruiting is important but if you can't coach your team will not do well...which is exactly what happened to Hoke. There is no doubt Harbaugh is a great coach which is the reason I expect the team to be much improved this coming season. I'm not expecting miracles but I think the team will play much better than this past season. Harbaugh literally has had three weeks to recruit which is very difficult for any coach. I'm hopeful he pulls a few big fish in this class but we were fortunate that this class was going to be small from the beginning. I have no doubt that Harbaugh will do great things at Michigan.
Originally posted by Armistead101:
I'm a Harbaugh fan, but I'm not to sure this will pan out, He is not a college guy, He was not really interested in UM job till he was fired and needed something to do. Lame duck Brady Hoke was doing much better recruiting amid a horrible season than Jim is doing with all the good will his ballyhooed reputation as the next Jesus Christ ....I have to admit, I thought he would roll a lot of players from our commit list, but he really does not seem to have the cache that Urban or Dantonio or even Mike Riley ........I'm guessing that many Michigan fans are thinking the same. I do think he can coach, he will do much better next year recruiting but its like being put on probation if you miss 10 big time recruits in a year, I don't care how big nexts years class is, you just can't replace the depth

Michigan will finish 4th or 5th in the east, unless Jim pulls off some miracles before signing day the Wolverines are looking at three years before they can compete with Ohio State MSU or even Penn State .........There is talent on this team, but its not like you fired Tressle and can come in with Jim and turn it on...there is also some deep holes in his roster that he will need to fill and this class won't come close ....

All I got is wow. This doesn't even make a little sense. So strange
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Wow starting to sound like Hawkeye was the AP plaque in 97 ......
hardly a title and some clown on here says our better days are behind us....if that's true then I guess your program is cancelled how many sears trophies do you guys have?
"He is not a college guy, He was not really interested in UM job till he was fired and needed something to do."

If by "not a college guy" you mean "a great college coach", and if by "Not interested in the UM job till he was fired and needed something to do", you mean "Could have had several NFL head coaching jobs, but took the Michigan job", I agree 100%.
Yep-Nebraska's best days are clearly behind them....

There's no doubt about it. Your 1997 "title" was a complete joke, but the fact that you're still talking about proves my point.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I do agree with Armistead that the jury is still out on the length of Harbaughs tenure at Michigan. There is no question he is a very good coach, but I think in the back of a lot of peoples head is how long does he stay at Michigan? It feels like to me that he will always have that same burning desire to return to the NFL and win a pro football championship as he does to succeed at Michigan. I do disagree with Armistead with his prediction of next years record. There are a lot of quality players on Michigans roster that simply need better coaching. 4th or 5th? No way. In my opinion, too much talent to finish below 3rd. I think he pulls 1-2 surprises (Clark) on Wednesday and signs quality classes thereafter.
Looks like wishful thinking by the OP. I am a bit surprised that Harbaugh didn't get a few more high rated prospects early, but it also makes sense because of the timing that it wasn't realistic.

If he can lead Michigan to a winning record and at least one big upset next year, I would expect his 2016 class to be a top 10. If not, then there might be a problem. We won't know until then, however
Dear Armistead, As others will gladly point out...RM comes up with

some weird stuff sometimes :)...but this post is in the top 1% of dumb ones. What makes it great (on a dumb scale) is that you are sincere.

So congrats. I won't bother reading this again but I am dumber for reading the initial post. Dang.

Reality Man

P.S. Not calling you dumb. Probably a good guy and knowledgeable fan but hopefully your next post is much better.
No worries about Meyer leaving cause you can count on him staying for a long ti... oh wait... he's never stayed put either. Buckeye fans talking about how Harbaugh might not stick around long is irritating, considering Meyer's track record. Worry about your own coach staying! If... and I am not making any predictions that it will happen... but IF Harbaugh turns up the heat on Meyer, and is able to go toe to toe, I'd worry about how long YOUR coach stays!
If you're gonna troll, try to act like a Michigan fan a little better. You're too obvious.

Man, it's sad when we have to help the trolls learn how to improve their craft.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by tullybluejay:
No worries about Meyer leaving cause you can count on him staying for a long ti... oh wait... he's never stayed put either. Buckeye fans talking about how Harbaugh might not stick around long is irritating, considering Meyer's track record. Worry about your own coach staying! If... and I am not making any predictions that it will happen... but IF Harbaugh turns up the heat on Meyer, and is able to go toe to toe, I'd worry about how long YOUR coach stays!
People who claim Meyer is scared of competition, are as ignorant as those who say Harbaugh is a failure because of this year's recruiting class.
I'm just so glad that Hawkeye fans aren't the only ones that have to read moronic posts from Nebraska fans..

Once Harbaugh finds and develops a good, solid QB......Michigan is going to have a fairly complete roster of talent.

Finishing out the 2015 class is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.
I don't think Meyer is afraid of competition, but claiming he is, is no more ignorant than when Buckeye fans question how long Harbaugh might stay at U of M. He could have taken an NFL job if he wanted. 6 years is your coaches longest tenure... And he tried to leave after 5, so I don't think you need to worry about how long anyone else's coach is going to be around. Meyer's halfway through his longest stay already, so...
so people go to other boards because they think they are clever and can incite some responses with stupid uninformed comments?
Originally posted by tullybluejay:
I don't think Meyer is afraid of competition, but claiming he is, is no more ignorant than when Buckeye fans question how long Harbaugh might stay at U of M. He could have taken an NFL job if he wanted. 6 years is your coaches longest tenure... And he tried to leave after 5, so I don't think you need to worry about how long anyone else's coach is going to be around. Meyer's halfway through his longest stay already, so...
Harbaugh leaving for the NFL is a legitimate argument. Meter at some point deciding that the sacrifices,you have to personally make to stay on top might get him to retire for,good is a legitimate argument.

but there's a difference between saying that at some point you have accomplished your goals and are ready to be done, and being afraid of another coach.

in both cases however, one fan base saying that the other's coach will be leaving "soon" is just wishful thinking.

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