

Nov 4, 2002
Just wanted to say all is fair in recruiting and Higdon is a perfect example. He has the right to sign where ever he wants. These are 17 and 18 year old kids with a lack of maturity trying to figure it all out. Then you add in all the pressure from handlers and coaches its no wonder people tire from the process.

It will be interesting to track this young man. I have seen many times when a young man has this much drama and backs out of commitments he kept making chances are it won't stop. Michigan will continue to recruit top athletes as they say because they are Michigan. Can this running back go from being recruited to another running back on the roster of many good backs. Will he quit on you guys and go home or will he rise above and flourish. Only time will tell.
Good post. Time we'll tell, but he seems like a sharp kid whether he chose Iowa or UM. Good upside and seems like the type of mildly underrated player that could be a diamond in the rough.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I suspected, for instance, that Tate Forcier wouldn't be around

long because of his older brothers' transfer-itch. Turned out to be accurate, perhaps this will happen with Higdon, but I've seen guys settle in at UM, stop looking over the fence, and prosper. We'll see.
I think hes a kind of diamond in the rough player. He played against hard competition with good success. It will be intersting to watch him compete.