Good point. The weather was poor and it was a decent decision to be conservative in the first half. That being said...once the game was tied at half time then OSU clearly had to start playing to win otherwise it would come down to ST's. MSU made the punt mistake but it sure looked like OSU got tight. Tight tight tight...on offense.
Here is the bottom line. When the game is tied and the other team is stopping you by running the ball then you have to say to yourself...Oh, this isn't working and we can't just rely on the other team to muck up.
I can understand if OSU was up 14-7 but they were tied and even the last couple of series they just didn't want to throw the ball and didn't want to turn the ball over even though MSU proved they could move the ball on them.
The last have to move the ball. The first throw was almost intercepted down the sideline but you have to keep attacking. They threw the ball underneath. It should have dawned on someone on that sidelines that the game was going to have to be won by throwing the ball somewhere early in the 4th quarter.
Congrats to MSU. They won it but OSU just mucked this game up on the offensive side of the ball. If I were an OSU fan I would be livid. That was Lloyd Ball x 2.