Mrs. Meyer getting it hard on twitter... not sure how to post from twitter
“Ppl make choices, just like husbands/coaches do when banging coeds at UF...”
“@spinnershells Kap made his decision? So do husbands who bang girls @UF #dontthrowstones #MeyerSoRacist”
She replied “love you” to @the_shoe_osu saying “I love you”
“So much love in the air... enough to give some to UF coeds? Let’s ask your hubby”
“Ppl make choices, just like husbands/coaches do when banging coeds at UF...”
“@spinnershells Kap made his decision? So do husbands who bang girls @UF #dontthrowstones #MeyerSoRacist”
She replied “love you” to @the_shoe_osu saying “I love you”
“So much love in the air... enough to give some to UF coeds? Let’s ask your hubby”