UCFhonors you still here?


Dec 20, 2001
West Detroit
Want to be sure your all-access pass to Coach Frost's practices is still intact. Where would UCF be without your input? This game would be 60-7 at least, if not worse.
The measure of the man is his willingness to eat humble pie when he struts and talks before the game on another board. UCFhonors, you've been weighed in the scales and found wanting. Or put in a more contemporary way, "Do you like apples?" How about 51-14, cause we got that number last Saturday?
Want to be sure your all-access pass to Coach Frost's practices is still intact. Where would UCF be without your input? This game would be 60-7 at least, if not worse.
The measure of the man is his willingness to eat humble pie when he struts and talks before the game on another board. UCFhonors, you've been weighed in the scales and found wanting. Or put in a more contemporary way, "Do you like apples?" How about 51-14, cause we got that number last Saturday?

You know, John. Over the last few day, I've come to gain a certain affection towards you. Here are my honest opinions about the game, and the state of our two programs. Link.


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