- The home uniform should never ever EVER be touched or deviated from. Period. Too iconic. I actually liked the blue on blue look, but not as much as the traditional look, and there's no reason to ever touch the home makeup. Silly alternates like worn for UTL are stupid. This should please the traditionalist, and when talking about the home uniform, we should all be traditionalists.
- While normally a traditionalist, I can't ignore how the blue pant and white jersey visually blows away the other 2 options. It is a strong and powerful look, its the primary color, and the blue pant with the blue helmet base would really make the maize on the helmet stand out. I understand it has no history or tradition, but if you believe it is as visually superior as I do, it's kinda a no-brainer.
-Have seen an all maize idea thrown out there. Horrible idea. No need at all for Michigan to ever do anything like that, or any other wild alternatives.
-Throw the M back on the sleeves of the white jersey Woodson/Brady era style
-I wouldn't be opposed to alternating 2 or even all 3 away looks, but if I had to pick one and stick with it, I'm going blue