On page 49 of last years preview magazine (wife had my phone updating this weeks grocery list so I was "forced" to read something else and it was within arms reach) it discusses last years Top 5 Question Marks.
1. Will Michigan be strong enough at quarterback to win a championship?
2. Can the offensive line become a strength?
3. Will the linebackers be good enough to make a special defense?
4. Can the ruling game excel against the better defenses on the Schedule?
5. Can the defense get to the QB without blitzing?
We know the answers to all of these now: No, No, Yes, No, Yes
What has changed this year to answer those "No" results?
1. Will Michigan be strong enough at quarterback to win a championship?
2. Can the offensive line become a strength?
3. Will the linebackers be good enough to make a special defense?
4. Can the ruling game excel against the better defenses on the Schedule?
5. Can the defense get to the QB without blitzing?
We know the answers to all of these now: No, No, Yes, No, Yes
What has changed this year to answer those "No" results?