Some thoughts while I wait out my mandatory quarantine period.
1. Cabin fever is real. I cannot wait to get out when this is all done. cal v
My main point I wanted to talk about was the term Michigan man. Here is a problem I see... we don't have enough of them. Now hold on and hear me out. We have lost sight of what that term actually is. The term does not relate to affiliation but to commitment. If you had told Bo in 1968 before he was Michigan's head coach that in 14 years he would turn down a contract to be the highest paid college coach I wonder what he would have told you.
Thanks to @Cal Varnsen posting some Bo video's (namely the John Bacon one that sent me down the youtube rabbit hole) gave me time to think about being a Michigan man. It doesn't matter where you start but what it means when you get here. Once you get here this place is your home. While I love Jim Harbaugh I think he has lost sight of this when it comes to his staff. We need more Michigan men, peocale that when they are here this college is their life. Too much gets made of coaching trees. Give me a staff that is comprised of individuals that would do anything not to lose to a rival.
Yes there will be turnover but it because naturally it is time. Not because this is the next stepping stone to their coaching career. I will leave with this video because it is the basis of all I am typing about today because to be a great college program somethings have to be more important. This is the mindset that we need and I don't care where it comes from as long as it gets here
1. Cabin fever is real. I cannot wait to get out when this is all done. cal v
My main point I wanted to talk about was the term Michigan man. Here is a problem I see... we don't have enough of them. Now hold on and hear me out. We have lost sight of what that term actually is. The term does not relate to affiliation but to commitment. If you had told Bo in 1968 before he was Michigan's head coach that in 14 years he would turn down a contract to be the highest paid college coach I wonder what he would have told you.
Thanks to @Cal Varnsen posting some Bo video's (namely the John Bacon one that sent me down the youtube rabbit hole) gave me time to think about being a Michigan man. It doesn't matter where you start but what it means when you get here. Once you get here this place is your home. While I love Jim Harbaugh I think he has lost sight of this when it comes to his staff. We need more Michigan men, peocale that when they are here this college is their life. Too much gets made of coaching trees. Give me a staff that is comprised of individuals that would do anything not to lose to a rival.
Yes there will be turnover but it because naturally it is time. Not because this is the next stepping stone to their coaching career. I will leave with this video because it is the basis of all I am typing about today because to be a great college program somethings have to be more important. This is the mindset that we need and I don't care where it comes from as long as it gets here