so I woke up this (soCal) morning and the UM board has become Moo-U board


May 29, 2001
asking UM fans about Moo- U football is like asking Donald Trump about his thoughts on Muslims Frankly I'd like to put the O-lie-O and Moo Uers on the Titanic for a celebration cruise. Sadly the opponents for this pair -- Bama and Notre Dumb, aren't much better. How about a round robin on the Titanic?
asking UM fans about Moo- U football is like asking Donald Trump about his thoughts on Muslims Frankly I'd like to put the O-lie-O and Moo Uers on the Titanic for a celebration cruise. Sadly the opponents for this pair -- Bama and Notre Dumb, aren't much better. How about a round robin on the Titanic?
Nice to see a reference to my old California personalized license plate.
How's things at the lake?
Things always cool here in SD.
What ever happened to the infamous SDWolverinefan?

I miss SD Wolve. Used to have some spirited dialogue with him however SD liked Ford's which I continue to boycott until the Lions make it to the show.