I happen to live in the Bay Area and have been fortunate to know quite a few people associated at the administrative level either with Stanford or the 49ers and one common theme I hear from all of them after a while is that past 4-years Jim Harbaugh goes to the point of diminishing returns. Both at Stanford (who was actually glad he moved on) and the 49ers he wore out his welcome - his personality, his stubbornness, his style just gets to the point where you don't see players or other respond too well. Unfortunately they knew something we just chose to ignore because JH is an alum. His first 4 years at Michigan, he was building a team that was going in the right direction but it's been clear that the wheels have completely fallen off here. I guess while we all laughed at Mattison's comments about how amazing a coach Ryan Day is once he arrived at OSU, he was 100% right. I think JH is a great coach to help turn things around but not the coach you want to ride to build continuity in a program I feel. I don't know how Warde rewards him after what we have seen and I hope he does not let him play out his contract either because it will kill our recruiting efforts and send us down another 10 year spiraling rathole.