Elite players want to go to programs where they can play for Championships. Some go for the education and future. But most have the NFL as a goal. Credit to Cardale Jones ( I believe that was his name) when he honestly said he went to OSU not for the education but for a stepping stone to the NFL. At least he said what many think. It is shortsighted as a pro football career is short and and an education insures their future. But, after all that is what College is all about ....preparing one for a future job and life. But, a fleeting NFL career and the big money most will never see is only a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
But, who can criticize a 17 or 18 year old kid who has his head filled by some dreams of an NFL future and fueled by some agents , scouts, and recruiters of his "greatness" if he wants to play with the best and is almost certain of playing in a NC game or two. To say he has to be getting "payoffs" for choosing a certain school ( without evidence) is plain wrong.
So, once again not all recruits look at education as the main reason they choose a certain school. Usually it is the Football or Basketball as a means to na end.
But, who can criticize a 17 or 18 year old kid who has his head filled by some dreams of an NFL future and fueled by some agents , scouts, and recruiters of his "greatness" if he wants to play with the best and is almost certain of playing in a NC game or two. To say he has to be getting "payoffs" for choosing a certain school ( without evidence) is plain wrong.
So, once again not all recruits look at education as the main reason they choose a certain school. Usually it is the Football or Basketball as a means to na end.