Looking at M articles on Mlive. If you have not take a look at the photo display. There are some great ones with the photographer's explanation of what it is and why he took it. Fascinating stuff.
He also mentioned his opinion about the unis with a suggestion that I had thought of and liked the idea. His suggestion was the maize top and blue pants next time for an alternative. My idea was to do that on a fairly frequent basis when visiting. Liked the concept of the switch from the home uni to the mirror top to bottom.
As an old fogie I know the youngsters question my taste but I liked the unis Saturday and like to experiment with the visitor ones. But I am so old I like the pants from the old days that were more maize and less yellow or neon. Now that would be great to see as a contrast to the visitor uniform.
He also mentioned his opinion about the unis with a suggestion that I had thought of and liked the idea. His suggestion was the maize top and blue pants next time for an alternative. My idea was to do that on a fairly frequent basis when visiting. Liked the concept of the switch from the home uni to the mirror top to bottom.
As an old fogie I know the youngsters question my taste but I liked the unis Saturday and like to experiment with the visitor ones. But I am so old I like the pants from the old days that were more maize and less yellow or neon. Now that would be great to see as a contrast to the visitor uniform.