And it was thought he had neuropathy . The surgeon said that it was in his neck , he had the surgery and with 10 days was walking after being in an inpatient rehab from July 10th to the 18th. He was pain free and moving around with a walker . In the last week the pain returned and now it’s pretty intense. He is up here in Northern Michigan. The big issue is he had the surgery in Saginaw , was supposed to have a second surgery on his lower spine in 2 months. They now have decided to postpone the surgery and continue his PT for an extra 30 days , but he has gotten to the point he cannot put weight on his left leg. He is 81 as is his wife. He is discouraged , and not sure where to go . Does he go back to the surgeon in Saginaw or explore somewhere like the Cleveland Clinic ? I know it’s a stupid question , but I am not sure of what to tell him. But he cannot continue this. I took him to the hospital today and he sat in the ER for 4 hours , his wife got discouraged and they left as there were about 20 people still ahead of them ......
Oh and I am supposed to leave to take my family back to Maryland in the morning......I am trying to help them ......
Oh and I am supposed to leave to take my family back to Maryland in the morning......I am trying to help them ......
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