Anyone seen this documentary yet? I put it on last night without expecting much and holy cow! Without giving too much away, an amatuer filmaker, cyclist, and Lance Armstrong admirer is shocked when Lance is outed for using PEDs during his Tour De France run. So this guy sets out to make a Gonzo style documentary on how easy it would be to use PEDs and get by all the screening tests. He meets a character who runs the Russian Doping Testing Laboratory, and basically has documentary gold fall right into his lap. It really takes off from there, and there were several times I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.
I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen of, or heard about the content of this film, but the implications reach far beyond cycling and is worth a watch for all sports fans.
I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen of, or heard about the content of this film, but the implications reach far beyond cycling and is worth a watch for all sports fans.