I've looked all over the web for what this could be and can't seem to narrow it down, so hopefully someone can help.
I was playing golf on Friday and after only my third shot, I had severe, "throbbing" pain in my elbow/upper, radial forearm area (left forearm. I'm left-handed). It was a bad shot, and I did catch some ground when striking the ball. Also, a bit of backstory here... I used to lift weights quite a bit, and apparently had pretty crappy form with some lifts, as I'm paying for it dearly as I age (shoulder, back, and now forearm/elbow). About a year ago, I was working with battle ropes in the gym, and my left elbow "flared up". I literally dropped the left rope and stood there for a couple of minutes grimacing in pain. For the next couple of weeks, the exterior part of my elbow was pretty sore, but I could still perform basic, everyday functions with this arm.
Over the past year, I have replaced my desk at work, and feel like I am having to place my wrists/hands a bit higher when typing on my laptop (more backstory, if it helps).
So fast forward to Friday. After the swing, my upper forearm (mostly radial area) along with elbow and lower part of bicep almost felt "dead" (kind of like how "shock" feels after a break). After about 45 minutes, the sensation went away and the pain started. The pain would only occur when trying to perform certain functions with my arm (bending my left forearm all the way, wiping after using the can, etc. Sorry for the blatant description).
I wore an elbow sleeve the first night (while sleeping), and it didn't seem to help (later realized that wearing an elbow sleeve overnight or for extended periods of time is probably not a great idea). Last night, I didn't wear the sleeve, and my arm felt quite a bit better this morning (still having trouble with aforementioned functions, though. Pain not nearly as severe on former function mentioned, but still pretty severe on latter function).
I wore the elbow sleeve most of today, and just took it off to discover a nasty bruise on the bottom (ulnar side) of my arm near the elbow (about the size of a silver dollar). It looks like there may be a bit of swelling, but there was no swelling present up until this point.
Of course this would happen on an extended holiday weekend where I can't get in to see my doctor, so I'm trying to determine if this is something I need to address immediately or not. I'm able to perform most normal, daily functions with the arm with little to no pain (lifting lighter objects such as a briefcase, showering, etc).
Anyone with any thoughts on what I've done and how soon this needs to be addressed? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I was playing golf on Friday and after only my third shot, I had severe, "throbbing" pain in my elbow/upper, radial forearm area (left forearm. I'm left-handed). It was a bad shot, and I did catch some ground when striking the ball. Also, a bit of backstory here... I used to lift weights quite a bit, and apparently had pretty crappy form with some lifts, as I'm paying for it dearly as I age (shoulder, back, and now forearm/elbow). About a year ago, I was working with battle ropes in the gym, and my left elbow "flared up". I literally dropped the left rope and stood there for a couple of minutes grimacing in pain. For the next couple of weeks, the exterior part of my elbow was pretty sore, but I could still perform basic, everyday functions with this arm.
Over the past year, I have replaced my desk at work, and feel like I am having to place my wrists/hands a bit higher when typing on my laptop (more backstory, if it helps).
So fast forward to Friday. After the swing, my upper forearm (mostly radial area) along with elbow and lower part of bicep almost felt "dead" (kind of like how "shock" feels after a break). After about 45 minutes, the sensation went away and the pain started. The pain would only occur when trying to perform certain functions with my arm (bending my left forearm all the way, wiping after using the can, etc. Sorry for the blatant description).
I wore an elbow sleeve the first night (while sleeping), and it didn't seem to help (later realized that wearing an elbow sleeve overnight or for extended periods of time is probably not a great idea). Last night, I didn't wear the sleeve, and my arm felt quite a bit better this morning (still having trouble with aforementioned functions, though. Pain not nearly as severe on former function mentioned, but still pretty severe on latter function).
I wore the elbow sleeve most of today, and just took it off to discover a nasty bruise on the bottom (ulnar side) of my arm near the elbow (about the size of a silver dollar). It looks like there may be a bit of swelling, but there was no swelling present up until this point.
Of course this would happen on an extended holiday weekend where I can't get in to see my doctor, so I'm trying to determine if this is something I need to address immediately or not. I'm able to perform most normal, daily functions with the arm with little to no pain (lifting lighter objects such as a briefcase, showering, etc).
Anyone with any thoughts on what I've done and how soon this needs to be addressed? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.