fever today. Well my manager just called me to say I have to run to home depot to get tub stems with the guy on call . Well I told her that as I stated 90 days ago we need to incorporate a individual cut off per apt and the stems are only special order. There’s only a hot water cut off and the majority of the shut offs don’t work. Ie can’t replace a fill valve without shutting the main off for half the property. Then when your done sediment gets in everything. I had a call this weekend for fill valve constantly running and filled the tank and overflowed into the downstairs apartment. The company is always getting accounts shut off. The tub drain is clogged and roto rooter has us on pay at job completion due to not paying bills. It’s like they think I am a miracle worker. I take pride in my craftsmanship but sometimes you need outside resources. It’s probably time to start looking. I just relocated from Hampton roads Virginia to Charleston. I think I might have taken a lemon job. Thanks for listening and go blue!