(How they learn to ride bicycles, I'll never know. (I had to get that in before anyone else did. LOL))
Seriously, I have actually run over four squirrels in the past three years while riding my bike. It's a road bike with skinny 125 psi tires and the animals get killed when they run under my bike. I try to miss them but they obviously panic and, in at least two occasions, they ran from the safe far edge of the bike path back to the side I was on, and whammo. It's taken a bit of the fun out of my rides, to have to always be on high alert, looking out for them. Now it's a good ride if I don't kill a squirrel or have a bug fly in my mouth.
Seriously, I have actually run over four squirrels in the past three years while riding my bike. It's a road bike with skinny 125 psi tires and the animals get killed when they run under my bike. I try to miss them but they obviously panic and, in at least two occasions, they ran from the safe far edge of the bike path back to the side I was on, and whammo. It's taken a bit of the fun out of my rides, to have to always be on high alert, looking out for them. Now it's a good ride if I don't kill a squirrel or have a bug fly in my mouth.