switch to an annual. It's cheaper for you and you get free stuff.
While signed into your account, hit this link: https://n.rivals.com/users/subscriptions
Verify password
Hit the “subscriptions” tab
See team site subscription module. Hit “upgrade”.
Verify billing information
Enter promo code: 99Cyber
Hit “Check now” on promo code to verify correct input
Hit “Upgrade to Annual” button
And again, we thank you for being here!
While signed into your account, hit this link: https://n.rivals.com/users/subscriptions
Verify password
Hit the “subscriptions” tab
See team site subscription module. Hit “upgrade”.
Verify billing information
Enter promo code: 99Cyber
Hit “Check now” on promo code to verify correct input
Hit “Upgrade to Annual” button
And again, we thank you for being here!