Ohio State picks up a Prodigy!!!

Re: Why would this kid go to a middling school like OSU?*

Until he signs his LOI I won't take anything for granted.
I'm pissed at Miami students right now ....

went up there recruiting a couple weeks ago. My first time to Oxford in a few years. Was going to get some DP Dough (mmmmmmmm) before I left town ---------- closed, gone. Damn students couldn't support that fine establishment. Athens still has one. So Ohio U's better for the time being.
This post was edited on 2/27 1:28 PM by michnittlion
Re: I'm pissed at Miami students right now ....

HA! We were just discussing that place. We were looking for late night food on Saturday night (I go up with friends once a year and attend a hockey game and then we go out for the night). I was devastated to learn that DP Dough was gone. That was our go-to, mostly because it was open until 4am. Damn rich kids and their sushi places, all the delicious establishments are struggling! Pita Pit bit the dust too...