I love what the guy stands for and what he has accomplished as a coach. I loved him as the mid 80's QB. I loved him as Captain Comeback in the NFL. But, he is ripping through all of the good will at a frantic pace. He needs to show improvement, he needs to show progress, he needs to show... something.
When he was hired OSU had just graduated (lost) a bevy of talent to the NFL, Penn State was in total shambles and MSU was a year and half away from experiencing the worst off season for a program in recent memory. Today, all 3 are ahead of Michigan. Two of them are WAY ahead. The ship here isn't sinking, but it is blowing in the wind in a way that only its captain can right it. C'mon Jimmy. We are rooting for you. But, F#+×@... please do it before I die!
When he was hired OSU had just graduated (lost) a bevy of talent to the NFL, Penn State was in total shambles and MSU was a year and half away from experiencing the worst off season for a program in recent memory. Today, all 3 are ahead of Michigan. Two of them are WAY ahead. The ship here isn't sinking, but it is blowing in the wind in a way that only its captain can right it. C'mon Jimmy. We are rooting for you. But, F#+×@... please do it before I die!