This narrative that some try to push that keeping Jimmy is safer makes me want to bang my head off a wall. What guarantee is there we will continue to win 9 games?? The wheels could come off the bus with saw yesterday and so did the national media and recruits. We already have little to no depth at DL and CB...
Coaches are grown not plucked most times. Standing pat has its own set of risks guys! Grab a young energetic coach that hasn't arrived and give him a shot. We have ample resources here for many young coaches to me successful. We grabbed the shiny object two of the last three hires and look where we are...
Coaches are grown not plucked most times. Standing pat has its own set of risks guys! Grab a young energetic coach that hasn't arrived and give him a shot. We have ample resources here for many young coaches to me successful. We grabbed the shiny object two of the last three hires and look where we are...