Marti doubles to left and goes to third on an infield single.
Tito Flores hits a rope right to the third baseman, 1 out.
Mazur then singles to left to plate a run, runners on first and second.
M hits into a DP. end of the first M - 1 Iowa coming to bat.
Pitching for Michigan is Blake Beers.
Game is on BTN+, albeit without an announcer.... just as well, I guess.
Tito Flores hits a rope right to the third baseman, 1 out.
Mazur then singles to left to plate a run, runners on first and second.
M hits into a DP. end of the first M - 1 Iowa coming to bat.
Pitching for Michigan is Blake Beers.
Game is on BTN+, albeit without an announcer.... just as well, I guess.