- If in fact Rashan Gary would find it overly challenging to maintain academic eligibility at Michigan as some have suggested, how much less of a concern would that be for him at Clemson? Could that be the deciding factor if he ends up going to the Orange Side? From that standpoint I could see how it might well be in his best interest to go to the less academically challenging school, or am I giving too much credit to Michigan as being one of the top three academic schools in the B1G?
With two days until signing day, it is now being reported that Rashan and/or his mom are being quoted as saying it is down to either Michigan or Clemson.
It appears from information that has now been disclosed that he did not do well on the ACT, a critical standardized test that is suppose to be predictive of academic success in college. In view of that fact is his likelihood of being able to maintain academic eligibility at Clemson far greater than Michigan?
FWIW sounds like Rashan has at least extended family in the vicinity of Clemson (he saw a cousin while there on his official this weekend) although a former coach from his high school is now on Michigan's staff as well as some of his high school teammates and/or friends having committed to Michigan.
Reportedly Harbaugh has been recruiting Rashan as his top priority for over a year. Not sure of the timing, but if it was within a year that Rashan's high school coach came aboard at Michigan that may well be more than coincidence. Does anyone here on the Wolverine Board know?
If in fact Rashan picks up a Wolverine hat Wednesday, one has to believe Coach Harbaugh will have a personally baked cake ready to best the one Clemson gave his mom on Rashan's official there this past weekend.