Here's the update his mom posted on their gofundme site,
I can't even imagine going through all that.
"Okay, this is a new one for us so I might screw some of it up. Doctors are calling it a diverticulum. Different than diverticulosis. Larry's stomach when it fills with his formula that he drinks throughout the day expands....that's Normal. But there is a tear somewhere so a piece of the stomach has gone through and his created like a pouch. That's where the pain is coming from. They did an ultrasound today. They're going to do an upper GI on Tuesday. Then we will see his surgeon to find out what to do next. That's why as the day progresses it starts to hurt more and more. He's good now and just complaining a tiny bit. But by the evening/ close to night.... he is in agony. So hopefully they will figure out more and be able to fix this. Also, he has lost five pounds. This is a significant weight loss. He is very upset and sensitive about this. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I was eating some fries. He got very upset grabbed some fries and tried to shove them in his mouth to eat them. Larry doesn't eat. For all the reasons that everyone knows I'm not going to go into again right now. Basically he kinda lost it. He has never done this before. It was everything I could do not to start crying myself. He's very sensitive about getting skinny. He kept saying..... I knew it I knew it I feel bony I knew it!!!! Broke my heart and two.
Help spread the word!"