My co worker just sent me the following:
"so my college roommate lives in indy
2 guys walks up to his car thinking he was an uber driver
my buddy says no i'm not but recognizes him and offers him a ride.
he ends up taking him and another to hotel to change and then to lucas oil for game
the guy slips my college roomie $100 for the ride"
the mystery rider was Jalen Rose. said they talked hoops the whole time and that Jalen was extremely engaging and friendly.
"so my college roommate lives in indy
2 guys walks up to his car thinking he was an uber driver
my buddy says no i'm not but recognizes him and offers him a ride.
he ends up taking him and another to hotel to change and then to lucas oil for game
the guy slips my college roomie $100 for the ride"
the mystery rider was Jalen Rose. said they talked hoops the whole time and that Jalen was extremely engaging and friendly.