I've got 4 tickets in the Michigan section I bought pre-season from the UM Alumni Association, and have decided not to attend the game..I see that 4 together are now going for upwards of $300 a pop on Stubhub. Accordingly, I'm now trying to unload these badboys, but was informed by Stubhub that you can only upload a pdf version of the tickets now (& you can't simply scan your own; it has to be an "official" version issued by the ticket issuer). The problem I have now, is that Penn State is refusing to issue me a pdf version of my tickets. They're saying they will only do this for their season ticket holders. UM's office said there's not much they can do on their end. They offered to verify that I purchased the tickets from them, but PSU still won't cooperate. So it looks like I'm screwed and will have to trek over to "Unhappy Valley" for the game (or at least, go there and physically sell the tickets).
So my question here is, is anyone else experiencing this problem, and is there any way around it that I may not be aware of? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So my question here is, is anyone else experiencing this problem, and is there any way around it that I may not be aware of? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!