IPF update and a continued asking for prayers


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Well , I have move up on the National list to a number in the 40s from the mid 30's that's GOOD1 BUT to get there I had to get worse in my breathing, that's bad and when I wrote to all in the Spring I went from 2 Pulse to 6-8 Liters constant flow. Now , 2 weeks ago, I had my most recent 6 minute Walk test and was at 15 liters and had to have a full mask put on me at the 4:30 mark to finish. At home now at rest, sitting here at the PC I'm at 10 L. Doing anything I go to 12-15L and don't walk nor do anything but for a few minutes. I got a wheel chair now. as well.

I go to the Gastro Dr. @ Temple next week on Wed and Thurs for a stomach scope. They run a tube into my stomach from my nose and monitor for 24 hrs.; the go back next day for another scope with an hourly x-ray to see me digest an egg. They believe part of my needs are a new medicine for my stomach and possible GERD. GERD has a big affect on people with breathing problems, and or lung transplant needs. To add to this I have a main artery at 98% blocked and the feel I can't have a stent since any blood thinners make transplant very difficult. Wait would be pushed back at least 6 months to clear all the thinner out. So I leave this to God. The POTTER in my life who has plan and I must keep the FAITH to know HE has the best plan. Either new lungs and By pass at HIS TIME or a move on to Eternity and a perfect healthy new body. I'll miss NCAA FB/BB for sure and all my friends, known and unknown( these boards) . Thanks for asking GBGB"74

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