Ohio State: USSR (using a past precedent): arch enemies, powerful, evil, hated through and through. but respected.
Michigan State: North Korea total douchebags through and through, total puppet state of Ohio State, respected enough but have massive inferiority complex.
Northwestern: Canada. q.e.d.
Wisconsin: Germany (modern, not 1930's-40's). Strong and powerful, but not a superpower. Plodding, systematic, consistent, but generally "good guys"
Rutgers: Zimbabwe. Hapless, had to devalue currency by 1 trillion times. Probably can't find on the map, other than that I know they're in Africa / New Jersey.
Penn State: ISIS. Religious crusades of hatred and pedophilia are roughly the same to me. Wish both were eradicated from this earth.
what are yours?
Michigan State: North Korea total douchebags through and through, total puppet state of Ohio State, respected enough but have massive inferiority complex.
Northwestern: Canada. q.e.d.
Wisconsin: Germany (modern, not 1930's-40's). Strong and powerful, but not a superpower. Plodding, systematic, consistent, but generally "good guys"
Rutgers: Zimbabwe. Hapless, had to devalue currency by 1 trillion times. Probably can't find on the map, other than that I know they're in Africa / New Jersey.
Penn State: ISIS. Religious crusades of hatred and pedophilia are roughly the same to me. Wish both were eradicated from this earth.
what are yours?