Took a break, how's everyone holding up? I've shifted to rebuild mode, all good here. I refuse to believe someone can take over Stanford and the 49ers, flip them into good/almost great teams, just by mere dumb luck. I'm willing to watch Harbaugh's recruits develope over next few years, Barkley wasn't a gamebreaker his freshman and sophmore years, but now....sheesh, lets see how our boys grow, and stop ridiculing them like they're pros. We have to realize we're in the best hands possible for the unforeseeable future, maybe some position coach changes, but wouldn't change the captain of the ship for anyone. Regardless, I've realized putting all my emotions and mental well being into the hands of a bunch of kids is just silly, restructured my mind to just be supportive and patient, still a huge fan, just refuse to turn into a huge ahole if some young football players dont live up to the media/our hype. Go Blue Forever.