is still a disciple of General Harbaugh.
After thinking it over past few days, I don't think other guys coming in will be any better. Think this is best shot Michigan has to win. Pros still outweigh cons - although like totchman says he needs to make some changes for new direction of this team.
1. Harbaugh name carries weight and draws National Attention and Interest more than any other coach in country.
2. Has strong NFL connections that recruits love
3. Gets his players to the NFL
4. Strong Recruiter with his NFL Success and famous personality
5. Highly Intelligent and articulate - his words are fabulous when he talks and reporters hang on every one of them like the pied piper
6. His philosophy of outworking opponents is the right one
7. Mostly hires good assistant coaches and anaylsts
8. A fine example of a Leader/Human Being that young players should emulate. No off field problems, married to wonderful wife, has wonderful kids and is close to his parents and siblings. You could find much worse for young men to follow and emulate.
1. Lost competitive anger as he's aged and doesn't want to show bad example of evil person to his own children
2. Doesn't recruit inner city kids (Detroit) - lets DB have too much recruiting influence in suburbs of NE. - EJ says harbaugh made decision to recruit more academic minded kids the past few years so I think that's why the change to more suburban guys ie his Stanford roots.
3. Has been blinded by relationship loyalty on his few bad assistant coaches who do not help program win. You know who these/those guys are and were.
4. He is not a good motivational speaker to his players- can't seem to motivate and inspire the guys to raise up and unleash hell on opponents. Watch Amazon prime series on Michigan football and I see a guy who struggles on what to say to his team.
5. He gets blown out to kingdom come vs OSU and makes no coaching changes
6. He sticks to his loyalty of not playing necessarily the best guys and rewards attendence at practice and other things when he needs to win and play the best players/talent.
7. He holds grudges too long and needs to let go of that so he can just coach the team and win.
so 8 pros and 7 cons...harbaugh is still the best option for Michigan. He needs to eliminate a few of the cons and he will get the fanbase back on his side as simple as that. Let me know what other pro's cons missing???
After thinking it over past few days, I don't think other guys coming in will be any better. Think this is best shot Michigan has to win. Pros still outweigh cons - although like totchman says he needs to make some changes for new direction of this team.
1. Harbaugh name carries weight and draws National Attention and Interest more than any other coach in country.
2. Has strong NFL connections that recruits love
3. Gets his players to the NFL
4. Strong Recruiter with his NFL Success and famous personality
5. Highly Intelligent and articulate - his words are fabulous when he talks and reporters hang on every one of them like the pied piper
6. His philosophy of outworking opponents is the right one
7. Mostly hires good assistant coaches and anaylsts
8. A fine example of a Leader/Human Being that young players should emulate. No off field problems, married to wonderful wife, has wonderful kids and is close to his parents and siblings. You could find much worse for young men to follow and emulate.
1. Lost competitive anger as he's aged and doesn't want to show bad example of evil person to his own children
2. Doesn't recruit inner city kids (Detroit) - lets DB have too much recruiting influence in suburbs of NE. - EJ says harbaugh made decision to recruit more academic minded kids the past few years so I think that's why the change to more suburban guys ie his Stanford roots.
3. Has been blinded by relationship loyalty on his few bad assistant coaches who do not help program win. You know who these/those guys are and were.
4. He is not a good motivational speaker to his players- can't seem to motivate and inspire the guys to raise up and unleash hell on opponents. Watch Amazon prime series on Michigan football and I see a guy who struggles on what to say to his team.
5. He gets blown out to kingdom come vs OSU and makes no coaching changes
6. He sticks to his loyalty of not playing necessarily the best guys and rewards attendence at practice and other things when he needs to win and play the best players/talent.
7. He holds grudges too long and needs to let go of that so he can just coach the team and win.
so 8 pros and 7 cons...harbaugh is still the best option for Michigan. He needs to eliminate a few of the cons and he will get the fanbase back on his side as simple as that. Let me know what other pro's cons missing???