Gundy at OK State against camps ban (link)


Dec 21, 2011
I wonder if the Big 12 asked any of their coaches what they thought before they voted on the ban.

I guess they probably just asked Texas and that was it.

Makes you wonder why B1G fans would want Texas in our conference. Michigan and Texas have very different priorities.
Texas and to a lesser extent Ok rule the roost there - so no surprise on the vote.

The PAC vote is kind of a head scratcher - I just don't see USC/UCLA/Cal being threatened by camps, and something happened there as I heard the majority of schools were still in favor of the camps.

SEC/ACC - duh - even though I can see it hurting the Boston Colleges and the Syracuses.

In the end the rule will be modified. There's no way they can let the rule stand as it is.
Even the ncaa isn't that stupid.
By the way, does anyone know if Delaney got his fruit basket yet as a thank you from B1G fans?

He sure earned it for the way he stood up for the conference.

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