Year after year the UM defenders just "have" to do the obvious shirt grab or put their arm around the receiver's body such that the refs "have" to call PI. And, as the announcers say, UM is know to be grabby.
Gee - do we think this is self fulfilling situation?!
Does it make anyone else crazy that the flag is "totally" expected on every third and long throw....even if the ball is uncatchable? We bail the other team out seeming way more than our offense gets bailed out. Do those of you who know the nuances of DB coaching understand why our coaches either promote this or let it go on year after year? I understand trading the 15 yards versus a long completion but to hold on seemingly every pass.......
Gee - do we think this is self fulfilling situation?!
Does it make anyone else crazy that the flag is "totally" expected on every third and long throw....even if the ball is uncatchable? We bail the other team out seeming way more than our offense gets bailed out. Do those of you who know the nuances of DB coaching understand why our coaches either promote this or let it go on year after year? I understand trading the 15 yards versus a long completion but to hold on seemingly every pass.......