The sound of a giant tidal wave of momentum is just echoing throughout East Lansing and Columbus right now. Children in those cities are crying, parents are sitting quietly at the table with a look of shock and inevitable defeat, dogs and cats are living together. There is a roar that has not been seen around Ann Arbor in quite some time and it cannot be silenced. MIchigan is pissed off and we have people in place that are very dangerous when armed with resources and talent. The fan base is united, the former players are stand together, Adidas is on the way out and elite players are flocking to the Leaders and the Best. Everyone in the conference is starting to get that uneasy feeling, you know, the one where they think about transferring to the ACC. Is this a little premature and laced with blind optimism and rose colored glasses? You bet your ass it is, but we are still packing a lunch and getting prepared to rip there heads off. I am taking the rest of the day off work.
Hail to the Victors! and welcome to the Conquering Heroes Mr. Battle!
Hail to the Victors! and welcome to the Conquering Heroes Mr. Battle!