UM, Duke, Ole Miss (today...did you see that?...geez).. Boston College, MInny, FSU.
That being said...all things being equal....which do you prefer...having a punter flub the game away, Minny coaches giving the game away or referees screwing you along with a dropped int or qb mistake.
Serious question. I think they all suck and is part of sport. You win lose some. UM (IMO)...split between MSU and MInny and then MSU got hosed on some level...who knows what happens on 3rd down. I'd rather have won the MSU game but you get my point.
UM, Duke, Ole Miss (today...did you see that?...geez).. Boston College, MInny, FSU.
That being said...all things being equal....which do you prefer...having a punter flub the game away, Minny coaches giving the game away or referees screwing you along with a dropped int or qb mistake.
Serious question. I think they all suck and is part of sport. You win lose some. UM (IMO)...split between MSU and MInny and then MSU got hosed on some level...who knows what happens on 3rd down. I'd rather have won the MSU game but you get my point.