We are now 14 days from the first kickoff of the 2022 College Football Season. The greatest, most anticipated, the most hyped, the most flip your neighbor off, maybe burn his grass (not recommending), when he puts up your rivals flag time of year.
I am curious how you would answer these questions, rankings, etc. that I will be asking over the next two weeks related to college football. I hope/pray/cry in my craft beer that folks like it and participate. If not, I will shut it down and go back to my corner.
This should take us right up to the start of the season with Week 0. I am thinking a good way to start is with a good warm up question. A dust off the sneakers, put on the sweat pants with Michigan down the leg, and stretch out the old legs question.
What is a must see college game day event/experience you have seen in person – non Michigan?
I have witnessed quite a few, but one my favorites was the half time show at University of North Texas on Halloween 2015 IIRCC. Our son was a student at the time. The Green Brigade is one of the best bands in the land and every member was dressed in a Halloween costume. The performed multiple Halloween songs, but the Thriller performance with dance was awesome!
What say you?
I am curious how you would answer these questions, rankings, etc. that I will be asking over the next two weeks related to college football. I hope/pray/cry in my craft beer that folks like it and participate. If not, I will shut it down and go back to my corner.
This should take us right up to the start of the season with Week 0. I am thinking a good way to start is with a good warm up question. A dust off the sneakers, put on the sweat pants with Michigan down the leg, and stretch out the old legs question.
What is a must see college game day event/experience you have seen in person – non Michigan?
I have witnessed quite a few, but one my favorites was the half time show at University of North Texas on Halloween 2015 IIRCC. Our son was a student at the time. The Green Brigade is one of the best bands in the land and every member was dressed in a Halloween costume. The performed multiple Halloween songs, but the Thriller performance with dance was awesome!
What say you?