bmitch2353 All-American Jul 25, 2002 8,658 1,666 113 Dec 11, 2018 #1 Would you be in favor of increasing it to 15? Why is it set to 13? Would increasing change things in a bad way?
Would you be in favor of increasing it to 15? Why is it set to 13? Would increasing change things in a bad way?
B blue_in_chicago Heisman Oct 16, 2001 15,334 14,864 113 Dec 11, 2018 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
Bluemax79 Michigan Man Jul 10, 2001 36,767 8,855 113 Jackson, MI Dec 11, 2018 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
mark78 Michigan Man Gold Member Dec 13, 2001 39,705 24,179 113 Dec 11, 2018 #4 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.