Chat Recap 10/20


Dec 7, 2014
Have a little too much time on my hands as I'm temporarily enjoying the retiree life before I embark on my post Military career starting 7 I decided to compile an old school Blue_note type chat recap.
This was a pretty epic chat...hope ya'll enjoy...the mods as usual brought their A game!!!!!

TWheatly said:
↑Looking way ahead gun-to-head: Do we finally beat OSU in a meaningful game? All of my Barrett concern is offset by the talented experience vs their talented inexperience
BALAS: I think Michigan gets them. The defense is going to take it to J.T. and Harbaugh will have plenty of Peppers on offense.
BORTON: Strong chance, IMO. Much will depend on second-half (of the year) injuries, and Speight's continued improvement.

Hank2623 said: Any worries about letdown vs Illinois?
BALAS: Even if they do, they win by three scores. No.

carletonuniversity said: ↑Now that the Big 12 conference expansion seems dead at this point, does the B1G look to expand at some point in the near future?
BORTON: They're always looking. I won't be surprised when it goes to 16, but they'll make sure they get it right. A little something to bolster the West would be nice.

GWBlue said:As you look at both teams on Oct. 20, percentage chance we win in Columbus?
BALAS: 55. I like this defense and Harbaugh has something to prove after last year's game.

twiswell said: ↑How's the place kicking going in practice? I am very concerned that we'll need some kicks to win games.
BALAS: Better. Kenny Allen is improving ... it's all about confidence.

Tash123 said: ↑Rank our last six games in order of difficulty. I say...
BORTON: Weather factor in Iowa City in November cannot be discounted.
BALAS: I agree with this. (referring to Borton’s ranking of final 6 games)

I Like Blue said: ↑ Bold prediction for the rest of the football season?
I'll give one: We beat OSU and win the Big Ten, but lose to Clemson in the playoff game.
BORTON: Sounds reasonable, until the Clemson part ... I think Michigan could take them... ;)
BALAS: I think Michigan wins in Columbus and in the Big Ten title game.
After that ... whatever happens, happens.
911Blue: If we do well against OSU's offense, no reason we lose to Clemson

bryant4824 said: ↑Does running a 4 rb committee make top running backs that want carries think twice about michigan
BORTON: Maybe. But the flip side (and guaranteed one that Harbaugh is already starting to sell) is that they'll get carries but be healthier through the season and more ready for the NFL. Drevno was already taking that line yesterday. ("NFL teams don't want guys who are beaten up...")

Cincinnati_Wolverine said: ↑Appreciating it's a guess, do you think the program is ahead of, behind, or right where Harbaugh expected to be at this point of his tenure?
BALAS: Right on schedule, though I strongly believe they expected a bit better quarterback play this year.

Harbinator5 said: ↑Will Mike Dantonio "flinch"even a little after Michigan visits? Which underclassman look promising for next year?
BORTON: I think he probably shrugs and hangs his head. He gets the holidays off this year, except for recruiting.
As for underclassmen, look for big roles out of Bush, McDoom, Higdon, Evans, Asiasi, Long, Hill, and a number of other guys who we've seen glimpses of this year, but who will be taking the big step up.

ammoguy79 said: ↑Any chance that Quinn Nordic will be available to kick this season?
BALAS: He's available now. He just needs to win the job. Right now it's still Kenny Allen.

cdnblue said:I thought Bo and Lloyd's staffs were outstanding at making adjustments during the game and halftime. Get the feeling that Harbaugh's staff is the equal or better. Thoughts?
BORTON: They've done it at the NFL level, which is tactically more involved. So yes, they're very good at the chess game. The true test comes in Columbus, when Gary Kasparov and Bobby Fischer stare each other down.

prince828 said: ↑ Is it the plan to have Speight or Peters starting next year?
BALAS: Whoever is best. If Speight continues to improve and can be Jake Rudock-esque by the end of the year, he'll have a good shot. But Peters is impressing.

jimchammd said: ↑ When does DPJ drop for us? If he's enrolling early he needs to decide in the next six weeks or so, right?
BROWN: As long as he makes his decision before class starts, he's good.

Pontificate said: ↑Jeremy Clark going for a 6th year?
BORTON: Harbaugh said they would look into it. They'd have to document a first-year injury ... but that wouldn't be unprecedented.

500thgamewitness said: ↑Chances we land either of Akers/Harris, and is one of the RBs definitely left out if that happens as in we won't take 4?
BROWN: Better chance with Harris than Akers but both coming for an official visit is a pretty big deal.

LosAngelesWolverine said: ↑Give us a list of 2-3 high profile recruits that we have a better chance of landing than people currently believe, assuming we finish this year strong (0-1 losses).
BROWN: Jedrick Wills, Najee Harris, and an unknown tight end.

CRCutthroat said: ↑is there a list of expected visitors for this Saturday?
BROWN: Coming later today.

CRCutthroat said: ↑been some talk from posters who aren't sure Nico Collins isn't a five star talent. what's your thoughts on that Brandon Brown?
BROWN: Honestly can't weigh in like I'd like to. I've never seen him play in person.

rince828 said: ↑Is it the plan to have Speight or Peters starting next year?
BORTON: You can't plan for that. Speight will go in with a huge advantage, having played this year. As always, they'll chart every throw, every drive, etc., in practice. Best man wins. Meritocracy.

BigMMan504 said: ↑In the Drake Johnson situation what was the injury and/or was it to do with some kind of lawsuit?
BALAS: Knee. Soft tissue.

dexter wolverine99 said: ↑1) What % would you give UM to flip Najee Harris?
2) Which of the 4 hoops freshmen will have the best career at UM?
3) Which of the Wolverine staff is most likely to crop dust in the office after a hearty Mexican lunch?
BROWN: I'll give Michigan a 20% chance at flipping Najee Harris. That leaves 80% to divide among him staying with Bama or flipping to USC.

BANGBRO said: ↑Do you expect Brad Hawkins to be included in the 2017 class? If so, is he a safety or receiver at Michigan?
BROWN: I do not.

BANGBRO said: ↑Also, Bama fans claiming Jedrick isn't a take anymore for them. Have you heard any rumblings on whether these claims have any veracity?
BROWN: I'll do some digging.

twiswell said: ↑How's the place kicking going in practice? I am very concerned that we'll need some kicks to win games.
BORTON: They worked through the off week. I think Kenny will be okay, but they should take keep him off one phase. Problem is, he can't be taken away from punter.

Pontificate said: ↑What's the most shady recruiting story you got? You can leave out names and schools.
BALAS: Said before it's the one where a kid was hooked up with a couple of women and later bribed by boosters saying they were underaged, but "we'll take care of it when you commit and come down here."
One of the recent elite basketball prospects received over half a million in benefits, family housing, cars, etc. It's insane (that people ever wanted Michigan to recruit him and made a fuss about it).

prince828 said: ↑I'm not usually on other forums until recently. I found that a lot of the insider are not impartial to the COMPetition. Do you have any type of relationship with these guys? Is that normal?
BALAS: Which guys?
prince828 said: Jim Comp. He's been talking about how shady our easy schedule , chiming in on threads discussing possible Michigan academic fraud , and more. I didn't know he was an "insider" until someone specifically stated it. I just thought he was another random state fan .
BALAS: I don't have any comment on that.
BORTON: He sounds angry.(in response to prince828’s comment about Jim Comp)
timthumb: CB won't say but they generally have a decent relationship with the mods at most Big 10 Rivals sites. The MSU site...not so much.
Ronnieblckmo: He sounds like a fan.... who celebrates and cheers in the press box

jackal647 said: ↑Between the incredible product on the field, next year's depth chart and Mattison's highly regarded recruiting abilities, I am surprised that we are not in on more elite defensive line recruits in '17 class. We have a decent haul of defensive linemen overall so far, but it seems like elite defensive tackle prospects should be knocking down the doors.
Brandon, relative to the opportunity/expectation, why do you think recruiting for this position group has been sup-bar (and I am ephasizing on a relative basis, because it is fine on its merits)?
BROWN: It's actually a pretty down year for d-linemen, that's part of it.

antidaily said: ↑ We have the most rushing TDs in NCAA. Thats not a question. I just wanted to post it.
BALAS: Khalid Hill, baby.

antidaily said: ↑ Compare Speight to end-of-season Jake Rudock and tell us what his ceiling is for second half.
He's not there mechanically, nor decision-making-wise, at this point. It's really not a fair comparison, because you're talking fifth-year senior getting up to speed with the system to a redshirt sophomore first-year starter.
BORTON: The benefit for Speight is that he doesn't HAVE to do as much, because of some built-in advantages (better defense, special teams, and having Peppers to mix in at wildcat in certain situations).

CRCutthroat said: ↑is Michigan working on any currently committed elsewhere prospects aside from Harris, USC verbals, and that LB from NC committed to Penn St?
BROWN: FB Tory Carter and WR Jhamon Ausbon both committed to LSU.
OT Alex Leatherwood committed to Alabama.
CB Matt Hankins committed to Iowa. (visiting this weekend)
There are some others too. This is actually a good idea for a story. I'll put that together.

Spyker1013 said: ↑Who has the higher upside as a safety, Mettelus or Hudson?
BORTON: I like 'em both. Love Mettelus' aggression, though.

Section44 said: ↑With the possibilities of Donovan Jeter, DIB, Jay Tufele, and Rutger R (I know they won't get all of them) do you think Paea to guard is possible?
BROWN: Doesn't seem like it.

Rjuliette said: ↑ What happens if Wilson, Ruiz, Slaton, Filiaga, and Wills all opt to Go Blue? After the celebration party do we really turn any of these elite OL recruits away?
BROWN: No...the staff is fully prepared to take seven offensive linemen. Of course, that might force a couple of current commits to look elsewhere.

jackal647 said: ↑How much of David Long's lack of playing time is due to injury (as opposed to performance, what is the time table for his return to sufficiently good enough health to produce at a level that would earn him playing time, and can he/should he be redshirted at this point?
BALAS: Pretty sure he was out there against Rutgers. He's been slowed a bit by injury, but he's the fourth corner right now. He'll play significantly more next year - and he'll be a sophomore class wise. We'll do some more digging on his practice performance.

mskimmel said: ↑Any additional thoughts on DPJ and Nico with regard to likelihood of ending up at michigan? Do you think we still lead for Nico?
The safeties clearly didn't look good in the Colorado game. Are we overlooking the fact that this could still be a big issue when we play similar spread like teams in ohio state or even possibly a michigan state? Both have talented fast receivers, and while QB's do make mistakes, they can throw the deep ball.
BROWN: I still think Michigan lands both DPJ and Nico.

Socal4mich said: ↑Is Grant Newsome home from the hospital yet?
BORTON: Not at last word. More surgery scheduled.

Cincinnati_Wolverine said: ↑Appreciating it's a guess, do you think the program is ahead of, behind, or right where Harbaugh expected to be at this point of his tenure?
BORTON: Probably about dead on. Nobody else would have guessed this, though.

Blue_note said: ↑SIAA...Where are things at with this staff wrt to recruiting Ohio?
Not concerned - at all - just truly wondering.
Go Blue. Always.
BROWN: Not a huge priority. Ohio State will always get basically who they want from that state and nothing will really change that.

gobluedrew21 said: ↑Does the running style/career pattern of Ty Isaac remind you at all of Chris Perry? Obviously a long way to go to remotely reach that level but they seem to have very similar running styles and both spent pretty significant time in their prospective coaches doghouses (if I'm not mistaken).
BALAS: No. I think Perry was just a much better back. I will say Ty has come a long way, and it was good to see him bring it against Wisconsin. They needed him to step up, and he did.
mark78 said: ↑He's saying all the right things and his play reflects a buy-in.
BALAS: Agree. Still don't think he's a Perry-level back. You're talking Doak Walker winner with special feet.
BORTON: And did it all on a broken leg...

Kapone said: ↑@Brandon Brown In February are we gone have to tell some highly ranked kids thanks but no thanks??? Will recruiting down the stretch be exciting or stressful??
BROWN: Nope. No one who wants to come that the staff really, really wants will be kicked aside.

prince828 said:
↑Do you feel that Leatherwood is really considering Michigan?
BROWN: Michigan is in the mix but I don't think he's coming to Ann Arbor.

Pontificate said: ↑Last Michigan game you've attended as a "fan".
BALAS: Always been an unbiased journalist ...Seriously, though ... I can't even remember.

Pontificate said: ↑Current LB verbals: Ross & Mason
Hypothetical..........Willie Gay verbals, Singleton verbals, Jordan Anthony verbals. Do you envision Mason moving to fullback?
BROWN: He's already been told he'll get a look on offense.

Clark_Griswold said: ↑Are there any concerns at all among the coaches about the teams (more specifically Wilton Speight's) performance in East Lansing having only played one road game this season?
Many will point to his drive against Minnesota and that was clutch. But playing in East Lansing, albeit a noon kickoff, is much different.
BALAS: Not really, no.

GWBlue said: ↑As you look at both teams on Oct. 20, percentage chance we win in Columbus?
BORTON: 48.4 percent, and climbing...

Pontificate said: ↑What's the score at the end of the sparty game?
BALAS: 34-13.

prince828 said: ↑What is the deadline for EEs to commit? Who are your projected EEs?
BROWN: It's not really a projection, kids who are going to enroll early already have it planned and have been working toward that for a while. I don't really know who they are off the top of my head but that's a list I'll start putting together in a more concrete way.

ColKilgore said: ↑Thoughts or % confidence UM is undefeated going to Colombus
BORTON: GOING to Columbus ... 91.7 %
BALAS: 95.
BORTON: That's fine. Karsch liked mine better.
BALAS: Only if you change it to 97.1. Get the ticket?
BORTON: Couldn't do it. That's too high...

dexter wolverine99 said:
1) What % would you give UM to flip Najee Harris?
2) Which of the 4 hoops freshmen will have the best career at UM?
3) Which of the Wolverine staff is most likely to crop dust in the office after a hearty Mexican lunch?
BALAS:2. Austin Davis
3. Well, JB doesn't eat Mexican. So one of the others.
dexter wolverine99 said:Chris, surprised you didnt say Simpson. Do you think UM eventually regrets passing on Cassius W.? Also, are you hearing good things on Davis from practice? Thanks!
BORTON: In two years, I don't think they'd swap Simpson for Cassius. And Davis is strong, but raw. If he gets on the Jordan Morgan track (with a little more upside early on) he'll be doing well.
BALAS: No regrets. I just think Austin Davis is the kind of kid who will thrive on Big Ten physicality and provide a presence there. X needs to gain more confidence in his shot. Much more.

seanml11 said: ↑Is Kai Leon Herbert looking more "solid" in his commitment?
BROWN: Certainly feels that way. He responds to me very quickly these days....that wasn't the case for a little stretch there.

stevesf47 said: ↑Is Chesson going to get back to where he was last year? Coming into this year i thought he was going to be a beast. Or do you think the QB play is limiting him more so than injuries or struggles.
BALAS: I don't think it's the QB play. He's a very good receiver ... I expected a bit more from him, but he's not a Manningham/Edwards type.
BORTON: And there's a difference between "good to go" and "exactly the same..."

jjawolverine said: ↑What are our chances with Slaton?
Seems weird that he is left out of all this talk about "Fab 5" and "Great Wall". If I were him (not to mention Herbert and the other OL already committed, for that matter), I'd probably feel a little slighted.
Also, How about Baron Browning? I think he is one of the most important guys left for us given the depth chart at LB.
BROWN: I think there's still a pretty good shot with Slaton.
As for Browning, he's probably not going to end up at Michigan. Seems both Ohio State and TCU might have a better shot.

Pontificate said: ↑Jeremy Clark going for a 6th year?
BALAS: It sounds like they'll petition, yes.

jimwhite162 said: ↑ If we get Najee Harris, will Dillon and Samuels de-commit and look elsewhere?
BROWN: Maybe one of them.

Harbinator5 said: ↑Will Mike Dantonio "flinch"even a little after Michigan visits? Which underclassman look promising for next year?
BALAS: I just hope he drinks a bit of prune juice and is finally able to relieve himself.

MichiganFanForLife said: ↑Do you think we see Peppers take an entire series as the Wildcat QB this year at anytime? Or at least a significant portion of a series?
BORTON: Yes ... maybe in six weeks or so.
BALAS: Or maybe even 1.2.
BORTON: That would be rubbing it in … and tempting calls for a Goulston-style Denardation of JP.

carletonuniversity said: ↑For BB. For the '17 cycle, who have been your favourite 1-2 recruiting targets to interview? (either because of how articulate they are; give you little nuggets of news etc). On the flip side, who have been the most challenging targets to connect with (getting answers is like pulling teeth etc)
BROWN: Talking with Tory Carter, the top fullback, recently was great. Good kid, cool personality, and seemed to be very open about where things are with him. He's not much of a target anymore but talking with KJ Hamler was always pretty enjoyable.
On the flip side, despite being an outstanding kid, talking with Donovan Peoples-Jones is rough, haha. He's just very calculated and doesn't give anything away.
Oliver Martin is a recluse and doesn't talk to anyone. It's pretty annoying when fans, and myself actually, want/need to know stuff and simply can't get anything at all.
IABlueCrue: Brandon - on Martin, I heard some rumbling that one reason Martin didn't pull the trigger already for Michigan is that he was a little turned off by the pressure to get on Twitter and flood it with updates from the BBQ. He felt pressured to do something he wasn't really comfortable doing. Which makes sense when you consider how reclusive he is. Have you heard this before?
With that said, I don't think that will have a huge impact on where he goes. Notre Dame and Oregon seem to be out of the race. MSU is falling behind. The hometown Hawkeyes seem to be the top competition from what I've heard. The pull to stay home seems to be strong, despite the fact that he really likes Michigan.
BROWN: He did say he felt a little weird being all over Twitter posting pics and vids and stuff but I don't think that had anything to do with why he hasn't committed or anything. He's taking his time and always intended to do so.
IABlueCrue: I agree. It seems to me the hometown pressure is a good reason to hold off on a decision. And waiting to see what Iowa does the second half of the year. He knows what Michigan has to offer. But no reason to rush that decision and then deal with the backlash at home.

jrcrock10 said: ↑ 1. Did Isaiah Wilson change his visit schedule and he is no longer taking an official to Bama?
2. Do you expect Tarik Black to actually wait until the Army AA game to announce even though him going to Michigan already seems like a done deal?
3. Sam Webb said on the radio that he thinks Michigan leads for Jedrick Wills after his official a few weeks ago...can you give any insight on what you are hearing about Wills?
4. Any chance Willie Gay flips this weekend?
Thanks in advance!
BROWN: 1. I've heard that Wilson won't be officialing to Bama but I haven't confirmed it with him.
2. I think Tarik Black does wait. He's had that date in his head for a long time.
3. I think Michigan is right there for Wills, yes. Hard to quantify if Michigan leads but they now have as good a chance as anyone.
4. I think there is a chance Gay flips. Him saying that Michigan leads for him despite being committed to Ole Miss is really peculiar.

texwolve said: ↑ Would you agree that we have some Bad Hombres on defense?
BALAS: I prefer "Dudes."
BORTON: Dudes everywhere are offended.

jervaughn1 said: ↑Your honest opinion, do you think Speight has was it takes to beat OSU? Despite the 78-0 beat down against Rutgers, didn't think he looked great. Not sure about our downfield passing game.
BORTON: Did Brian Griese?

2Blue2Bleed94 said: ↑This one is for all 3 of you..JB CB BB..... Give me your BOLD Prediction for the second half of the season. Mine is, Jabrill will score a TD in each of the last 6 games.
BORTON: Karan Higdon leads the team in rushing over the second half of the season.
BROWN: Wilton Speight hits a growth spurt and reaches 7-feet.
BALAS:Peppers takes three more kicks to the house.

hills1953 said: ↑What are you latest thoughts on Peppers shocking the world and say's the heck with it I am staying for my senior year? Would love to get all the mods thoughts on this one.
BALAS: Not likely, but not completely out of the question.

CtBlue03 said: ↑There was an insider post this past week about an occurrence last week in East Landfill. Any confirmation? Any details available regarding consequences?
BALAS: We expect a couple of guys to miss the Illinois game. We will not comment as to why.

IABlueCrue said: ↑Do you guys think we will see Jake Butt more involved in the passing game the second half of the season? And on a related note, will Asiasi become a bigger target?
BALAS: I think Asiasi will, yes. Some things need to be saved. Butt - as it allows. Teams will focus on taking that weapon away.

mskimmel said: ↑The safeties clearly didn't look good in the Colorado game. Are we overlooking the fact that this could still be a big issue when we play similar spread like teams in ohio state or even possibly a michigan state? Both have talented fast receivers, and while QB's do make mistakes, they can throw the deep ball.
BALAS: Just a few bad plays. I won't worry about them until the Ohio State game. Colorado has some good wide receivers. As someone noted, one of those plays was on Jabrill (the TD) .

sjsopm said: ↑We have heard about all the defensive changes for the Basketball team which are needed but what about offensive changes. We ran a screen and roll offense last year with a team that has no one who is good at running a screen and roll. I haven't heard Beilein say anything about this.
BALAS: MHoops1 had a nice post on this the other day ... if you search on that, you'll be happy you did

tBlue03 said: ↑Would Keith Washington ever get a look @ Wildcat? Maybe next year if Peppers goes pro?
BALAS: Don't think so, no.

Dr.Wolverine said: ↑Which game will Peppers throw his first pass?
BALAS: Hopefully never. I prefer to see the ball in his hands and running with it ... unless it's that little run to the line, draw up a defender on the read option and dump it to a wide open receiver Denard used to run.

Big Blue Dawg: When is National Signing Day 2017? I need to schedule the day off. Thanks!
Timthumb: 1st Wednesday in February. Feb. 1, to be precise.

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