From a talent perspective, I hope we land both of them. One thing among many others that the prior staff was missing on the team was some edge to the players. I felt like they were all great kids but seemed to be lacking that nasty to bury your face in the dirt and laugh while you do it. Which is why I love targeting Johnson and Hawkins from Camden, NJ. Growing up in eastern PA, Camden was legendary as a very rough, rough town. The town's reputation has improved some over the years but it is still very infamous in that region. I love seeing the staff trying to add an influx of street tough rough kids. I'm certainly not alluding to Johnson and Hawkins being anything but the nicest kids but it's refreshing to see a little attitude being added to the team.
I think talent, desire, and attitude can take our future teams a very long way.
I think talent, desire, and attitude can take our future teams a very long way.