I wish all high school coaches took the approach he did with his star player Dax Hill.
He just helped him to consider everything he needed to know, but let the decision be his. I specifically like when he mentioned, "It was all his decision. It wasn’t me or his mom or his dad. I told him at the end of the day, ‘Let us help you, but myself or your mom and dad aren’t going to be at Michigan or Alabama, it’s going to be you."
THAT is a great mentor. Cool Calm and Collected. But honest. Get it all out on the table, all the pros and cons, be as transparent as possible, and let the kid decide.
He just helped him to consider everything he needed to know, but let the decision be his. I specifically like when he mentioned, "It was all his decision. It wasn’t me or his mom or his dad. I told him at the end of the day, ‘Let us help you, but myself or your mom and dad aren’t going to be at Michigan or Alabama, it’s going to be you."
THAT is a great mentor. Cool Calm and Collected. But honest. Get it all out on the table, all the pros and cons, be as transparent as possible, and let the kid decide.