Yes, college football is not an entitlement. That extends to me. I am not entitled to see my school play well-coached, intelligent, exciting, Championship winning football. Lord knows that isn't happening for me. All I am "entitled" to see --- short of my school being banned from playing football by the NCAA or B1G --- is football of SOME form.
I know, I know, it's a business. And there are positives-and-negatives. As you said, in one respect: 17-year-old young men get a gigantic prize: a free education that sets them up well for later life. In another respect: 17-year-old young men are used as pawns as the powers that be scheme to ensure "Penn State Inc." outperforms "Ohio State Inc." on the playing field, thus increasing "Penn State Inc."'s share price.
Maybe I've settled. Maybe it's because of the absurdity that occurred at my school 5 years ago. But PSU was a thoroughly mediocre 7-6 this year, and I attended 5 games, 3 of them requiring airplane tickets, overall spent some 4-digit-amount of $$$ on my hobby, and I saw zero victories. Was it worth it? 100% absolutely! I still had fun, and the experience of a Saturday afternoon on ANY campus is 1,000,000x better than the NFL game occurring the next afternoon.
But I don't want that 1,000,000x number to get lower either. I do think it is creeping lower.
OK, "old man on front porch of his house rant" over.