Big Ten little network. smh


May 29, 2001
southern alabama
Once again this year The BTn will loose out. The games they cover will not be available to most outside the B1G area. Time Warner in the south does not offer BTn. So I won't be able to watch. On the other hand if they would offer it to buy online too = $. I would buy and Ill bet others would too.

Go Blue and the Big Ten but who ever makes discussions for your network is costing you money.
Once again this year The BTn will loose out. The games they cover will not be available to most outside the B1G area. Time Warner in the south does not offer BTn. So I won't be able to watch. On the other hand if they would offer it to buy online too = $. I would buy and Ill bet others would too.

Go Blue and the Big Ten but who ever makes discussions for your network is costing you money.
That is so weird. When BTN was first announced, it was available up here and was a standard on a sports package - I didn't even have to ask for it to be added - it just showed up one day. And hardly anyone up here watches cfb.

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