Atlanta Wolverines...this is a hail mary here

Jan 18, 2008
Atlanta area Wolverines,

This is pretty much a hail mary of sort here with this post. I was hoping that one or more of you would by chance have tickets to this weekend's NFL game to Pittsburgh vs Atlanta at a reasonable price. It's sold out and the NFL ticket exchange/ stub hub do have tickets but the pricing is at NFL playoff levels ( $150 + for upper level). Vivid seats has tickets at reasonable prices but they are also are charging services fees of approx $45 per a ticket . If you know anyone with tickets for sale please email at jaxblue904needstix at yahoo dot com . Even another legit resale site suggestions would be appreciated as well.

My wife and I are still discussing going. If not, I may have two. I will keep you posted. They are club level.
Originally posted by rdesana:
My wife and I are still discussing going. If not, I may have two. I will keep you posted. They are club level.
Thank you. Were in need of 4 tickets but willing to split off in pairs of 2 though.