We've seriously scheduled the worst D1 hoops team this past year?! A school from the deep south that hardly anyone has ever heard of before?
Why must we continuously kill our RPI with this nonsense? You can't tell me the entire MAC (or some other small but more respectable opponent) was busy on that day.
The schedule is absolutely awesome at its top end. At UNC and Texas. Home vs UCLA. Maui Invitational. But this lowest of the lows will bring down our SoS and its noncompetitive nature is unappealing.
Why must we continuously kill our RPI with this nonsense? You can't tell me the entire MAC (or some other small but more respectable opponent) was busy on that day.
The schedule is absolutely awesome at its top end. At UNC and Texas. Home vs UCLA. Maui Invitational. But this lowest of the lows will bring down our SoS and its noncompetitive nature is unappealing.