Most important position in the field for football is QB
we saw that last night in spades ♠️
Michigan has been missing a consistent and confident qb since the start of the 2017 season when Jim started playing games with Wilton (he ultimately transfers) and we brought in O’Korn and then Shea - Peters wasn’t a fit -Dylan got upset on how competition was handled this off season and is siting this season to transfer - That leaves Joe and Cade as our real options at QB until JJ shows up in January
if Jim had not created a problem at QB issue for 2017 - Jedd hadn’t left etc we would in my view be much further ahead as a program - the throwing our starting qb under the bus in 2017 and not really developing our own qb talent (until last night) has reinforced a culture and talent issue - tim D was part of the issue as well as we saw - jim picked him Over Jedd - stupid
jim has not handled it well and how he has managed this position has impacted the whole program - if your coach is not supporting or developing players he recruited - what does that say - not the team the team the team focus in reality just words and that has shown up in many ways over the past few years
first thing first - give Rutgers credit - they have improved their team to be credible quickly and establish fire on their team - our division is going to be brutal now that Indiana is ascending and Rutgers has a good coach - while michigan is seemingly
Second - Joe started this season based upon promise but that has not shown up on the field - for whatever reason the practice Joe has not shown up in games
he is elite in skill set - but it is clear he is not playing with speed or confidence
this has rubbed off on the whole team
Quick hitters he has done well but has not handleD adversity well and not when the opponent mixes things up on a consistent basis - what is differentfrom practice is not handled well
last night when the Fumble happened - the fire went out - fear overcame promise and the result was negative
Cade showed what a competent QB can do in this offense
he was impressive for a rs FR in his first extensive action
Hope he can maintain this performance - will be hard to be at this level against better teams
Michigan is down ALOT of talent on both sides of the ball
but funny how the results improved when we had a confident and focused qb
yes the D is an issue and it is not acceptable
But better to win then lose and not sure if we had said in August the players we have out would be out if anyone here would say We would win a game
give Cade and the team props for coming back and playing hard
going forward need to play better and have game plans Cade can be successful executing
coach brown needs to raise his game
for all those questioning jims fire - just look at the end of the game last night - the hug between and his coaches was telling - was also nice to see him seek out drew singleton and say hi - did not see if he did the same for Mike D - the win meant a lot to the whole team
On the Joe Milton front - There are things that can be done to help it out - more development is needed - his skill set is sky high - translation in a game is the issue - maybe he will be better coming off the bench with less pressure
joe is a great young man and deserves our support
if Cade is the guy hope Jim learns from his 2017 bs and just makes him the guy and gives him all the support needed
we need an established starter the team can rally around
Dylan benching himself for the season was perhaps not smart of him - oh well
next man up
all hail Cade
let’s ascend
we saw that last night in spades ♠️
Michigan has been missing a consistent and confident qb since the start of the 2017 season when Jim started playing games with Wilton (he ultimately transfers) and we brought in O’Korn and then Shea - Peters wasn’t a fit -Dylan got upset on how competition was handled this off season and is siting this season to transfer - That leaves Joe and Cade as our real options at QB until JJ shows up in January
if Jim had not created a problem at QB issue for 2017 - Jedd hadn’t left etc we would in my view be much further ahead as a program - the throwing our starting qb under the bus in 2017 and not really developing our own qb talent (until last night) has reinforced a culture and talent issue - tim D was part of the issue as well as we saw - jim picked him Over Jedd - stupid
jim has not handled it well and how he has managed this position has impacted the whole program - if your coach is not supporting or developing players he recruited - what does that say - not the team the team the team focus in reality just words and that has shown up in many ways over the past few years
first thing first - give Rutgers credit - they have improved their team to be credible quickly and establish fire on their team - our division is going to be brutal now that Indiana is ascending and Rutgers has a good coach - while michigan is seemingly
Second - Joe started this season based upon promise but that has not shown up on the field - for whatever reason the practice Joe has not shown up in games
he is elite in skill set - but it is clear he is not playing with speed or confidence
this has rubbed off on the whole team
Quick hitters he has done well but has not handleD adversity well and not when the opponent mixes things up on a consistent basis - what is differentfrom practice is not handled well
last night when the Fumble happened - the fire went out - fear overcame promise and the result was negative
Cade showed what a competent QB can do in this offense
he was impressive for a rs FR in his first extensive action
Hope he can maintain this performance - will be hard to be at this level against better teams
Michigan is down ALOT of talent on both sides of the ball
but funny how the results improved when we had a confident and focused qb
yes the D is an issue and it is not acceptable
But better to win then lose and not sure if we had said in August the players we have out would be out if anyone here would say We would win a game
give Cade and the team props for coming back and playing hard
going forward need to play better and have game plans Cade can be successful executing
coach brown needs to raise his game
for all those questioning jims fire - just look at the end of the game last night - the hug between and his coaches was telling - was also nice to see him seek out drew singleton and say hi - did not see if he did the same for Mike D - the win meant a lot to the whole team
On the Joe Milton front - There are things that can be done to help it out - more development is needed - his skill set is sky high - translation in a game is the issue - maybe he will be better coming off the bench with less pressure
joe is a great young man and deserves our support
if Cade is the guy hope Jim learns from his 2017 bs and just makes him the guy and gives him all the support needed
we need an established starter the team can rally around
Dylan benching himself for the season was perhaps not smart of him - oh well
next man up
all hail Cade
let’s ascend