What NOA’s Remain Unsettled?

After watching the Netflix “Sign Stealer” piece, I was left wondering which NOA’s against Michigan coaches and staff remain unadjudicated?

We know there was a negotiated settlement covering the impermissible recruiting and coaching violations. Then there was another negotiated settlement covering allegations against all but two ex-coaches who are now with NFL teams. The Netflix piece said that the NCAA proposed a 4- game show cause order to settle Harbaugh’s NOA, and another 3-game show cause to settle Connor Stalions’ violations.

So by my count there are NOAs against 4 Michigan coaches, two active and two former coaches, which remain open and unsettled.

What about any institutional NOAs? I think I’ve read that there are two Level I institutional NOAs—one associated with sign-stealing and another for loss of institutional control.

What is the “count” of unsettled NOAs against Michigan or former Michigan coaches? The two institutional Level I’s are particularly concerning because they would open the entire list of possible NCAA penalties, including vacating games and championships, limitation of future post-season play, scholarships, recruiting limitations, fines and even worse, available for use against Michigan.

Who has an accurate count?

On Mason Graham

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Spoke to a source today who wouldn't clarify what Graham had been dealing with but that he expected him to play Saturday, and any limits are precautionary.

I am not really sure why WInk said anything to be honest. Graham didn't miss any practice, just went lighter a few days due to soreness.

Hopefully this isn't something that lingers, but Graham is a tough kid. Remember what he played with last year.
